Santa Claus: The Jolly Fellow with a Surprisingly Shady Past (and a little L&D)
Joseph A. Chabot
Leadership Development | Org. Change Mgmt. | LMS Administration | Strategic Learning | Talent Development | Ethical AI | eLearning Innovation | Author and Thought Leader for Tomorrow’s Workforce
I know Christmas was yesterday, but, after mistletoe and Christmas trees, it’s time to unravel the truth behind the most famous holiday figure of all: Santa Claus. If you were good yesterday, maybe he paid you a visit—and why not? It’s not like he’s a Christian deity or anything. Go ahead, invite him down your chimney once a year (though let’s be honest, that really means draining your budget to buy a bunch of hopefully people presents).
Saint or Thief? Depends on the Address
Santa Claus as we know him today is actually a Coca-Cola-powered evolution of Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Greek bishop famous for his generosity. The OG St. Nick reportedly saved impoverished families by secretly tossing coins into their homes—legend has it, through the chimney, which explains the modern-day shtick. But here’s where things get weird:
In some cultures, Santa’s counterpart is less “angelic gift-giver” and more “watch your back.” For example:
How Did We Get to Ho Ho Ho?
The Americanized Santa we adore came together in a cultural crockpot. Add these ingredients:
What Santa Teaches L&D
So, what can Learning and Development take away from Santa’s multifaceted history?
Closing Thought: He Sees You When You’re Sleeping…
Whether he’s sneaking down chimneys or stealing sausages, Santa has always been a reflection of the values and fears of his time. This holiday season, let’s appreciate the weird, wonderful ways cultures have shaped the holly jolly man in red—and maybe learn a thing or two about connecting with our own audiences.