Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time
Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time

Sanity Notes #033: One thing at a time

When making your way through anything difficult, focus on the next right step

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I have a workout later today. Some days I look forward to my workouts, usually weights in my backyard or a session on the rowing machine. But today, I am not feeling it. ??

What I find myself dreading today is ‘the workout.’ It is not any individual set. It is not the lifting of one single weight. I know when I get to the workout, I will likely enjoy each set. I like the feeling of exertion in my body. I enjoy the focus it brings me. I love the way I feel between sets and when I am done.

If the individual pieces are quite enjoyable, why am I dreading the workout?

I would suggest it is the mythical story I am telling myself that is causing me angst this morning. What I think it will be like (without really actually thinking it fully through). And in my story, I am taking the workout as a whole instead of individual parts. But the wholeness is a myth.

Most hard things in life are the same way.

I can remember being in the midst of my last company and feeling the hard years would never end. I remember being in the midst of my divorce, grief over the passing of my father, or any number of other hard periods in my life, and feeling I could not make it through the road ahead. But it was always the entirety of the road that was giving me pause—never the next step.

In coaching sessions with clients who are in the midst of hard periods, which many are in any given week, we often explore:

  1. What is the next right step?
  2. Can you handle this moment? Can you handle today?

The answer to (1) is often quite clear when we slow things down. And the next right step tends to present itself as accessible and doable.

The answer to (2) is always yes. We are highly resilient animals with an incredible capacity for the present moment.

One of the toughest challenges of being humans is our beautiful yet terrifying ability to conjure stories. We inspire others and ourselves with our stories about the future. But we also terrify ourselves. Just as I, today, have scared myself off about this workout.

So how about it? How about I take this workout one rep at a time. Hydrate between sets, listen to some good music, enjoy the exertion in my body, and make my way through it.

And how about if you make it through whatever challenges your day might present one at a time? Take breaks between. Hydrate. Listen to some good music. Take the road ahead one step a time time.

Take the next right step.

Whatever challenges you find yourself facing today, you are not alone. Sending a big hug your way from my sofa in Los Angeles.

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With love,


Looking for some support? If now is the time to consider coaching (or a CEO peer circle) reach out here .

Amanda Humberson

Podcast Producer | Creative Content Strategist | Audio Storytelling Specialist

5 个月

Yes. Yes. Yes. Needed this!



