Sandra Rengen: The Minard System
Philippe Rekacewicz
Associate Researcher, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands - Geographer Cartographer
Une fois n'est pas cout?me, visionscarto publie aujourd'hui une contribution en anglais confiée par Sandra Rengen, professeur en histoire de l'art et de design à Berlin, qui présente son nouvel ouvrage entièrement consacré au grand Charles Joseph Minard :
The Minard System
? ...As for my maps, I have heard people say that illustrative maps have been made for a long time. My maps do not just show, they also count, they calculate for the eye; that is the crucial point, the amendment I have introduced through the width of the zones in my figurative maps and through the rectangles in my graphic tableaus ... ?
— Charles-Joseph Minard, 1861