Sanctified or Sanitized
Woe?unto you,?scribes?and?Pharisees,?hypocrites!?for?ye are like?unto whited?sepulchres,?which?indeed?appear?beautiful?outward,?but?are within?full?of dead?bones,?and?of all?uncleanness.?(Matt.23:27)
Whited sepulchres full of dead bones as opposed to living temples where God resides.
People have become "sanitized" on the outside but inside dead, dead in sin.?The seed of God's word cannot take root, it needs dunging so the seed can grow.
Dung is needed to supply nutrients for growth, like the fig tree with no fruit, so it is with a sinner, they need to be dunged about in the form of sin, through much hardship, trials and tribulations is a saint forged.
Dung can nourish life or burn in the fire death; we have to choose Life or Death.
The world and its god is making people like deserts where nothing good can grow.?"See today I lay before you life and death, blessings and curses, NOW CHOOSE LIFE". ?????
A fig tree, if healthy and good produces fruit, which is both nutritional and an aid too digestion.?But a bad tree is of no use but to be burned in the fire.
If we follow Christ we are as the healthy tree, giving oneself as a living sacrifice too the Glory of God and the benefit of man.
Each must choose -??Sanctified or Sanitized
??????????????????????????????????????Blessing or Curse
????????????????????????????????????? Rain or Drought
???????????????????????????????? The Word or the World
????????????????????????????????????????Life or Death
???????????????????????????????????????Heaven or Hell?????????
????????????????????????????Jesus tells us "Feed my sheep"