Sanborn Analytics Corporation
U.S. Navy Littoral Class Combat Ship

Sanborn Analytics Corporation

This is an opinion post by Sanborn Analytics Inc. and should not be seen as advocating for further war in the Black Sea nor should it be seen as the organization taking sides in the ongoing Russian and Ukrainian conflict. This post seeks to address the areas of self-defense and second-life use of old retired U.S. naval warships. Our organization early next year January 2023 will start to advocate in the U.S. Congress for the sale or donation of retired Freedom Class and Independence Class Littoral Combat Ships to the Ukrainian government ("one man's trash is another man's treasure"). The U.S. Navy has called for the retirement of ALL 2 LCS classes ( Independence & Freedom Class). LCS warships by their nature are meant to defend coastal territory (a Ukrainian need). The ship design was popular post 9/11, however, due to engineering and structural problems the ship has fallen out of favor and would eat up large parts of the naval budget. The U.S. Navy already has a problem with storing or finding graveyards for old ships.

Sanborn Analytics believes these ships even with their current defects(see link below) can be repaired and modified for Ukrainian naval use. LCS ships are easy to use and come with a number of mission packages that can be used on the high seas as far as military and humanitarian needs go. Ukraine currently has no active warships on the Black Sea and another reason that Russia saw Ukraine as an easy target for invasion (limited ship capacity). If you are interested in our full white paper we will publish it next month with the U.S. Naval institute. Please see the link below to better understand the LCS program and why it's a bad idea not to refit the ship. All reporting credit goes to CNBC (see link)

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