Sanatela Medical will announce a major breakthrough - pathway to the individualized treatment of cancer - targeting cancer stem cells in the lab.
Sanatela AT Medical Solutions Matrix At Work in Lab - A Pathway to Individualized Cancer Treatment

Sanatela Medical will announce a major breakthrough - pathway to the individualized treatment of cancer - targeting cancer stem cells in the lab.

On Wednesday August 14th, ATVentureCenter will announce that our subsidiary Sanatela AT Medical Solutions, Inc. will begin to market a new product, to select cancer. and stem cell, research hospitals and cancer institutes. This important breakthrough is the result of over 14 years of intense research into the creation of an entirely new way to treat leukemia cancer, and potentially - many other forrms of cancer.

Sanatela's (tm) new product will permit researchers and oncologist to create and test individualized cancer treatment stratgies in the lab - before using any treatments on the patient.

Individualize cancer treatment has been referred to as the "Holy Grail" that cancer specialists have been seeking for many decades. Sanatela has created a way to isolate and treat leukemia cancer cells in the lab, thereby allowing researchers and oncologists to target their cancer treatments to specifically identify and kill the an individual patient's own leukemia stem cells, or potentially other cancer stem cells, in the lab - yielding individualized caner treatment.

We believe that if cancer treatment decisions are made first in the lab, these lab developed treatments will be safer and more effective than the general current practice using standard industry protocols for treatments - that are first administered to the patient without knowing in advance what the impact of such treatments will be on the killer cancer stem cells - that must be destroyed to provide a more effective treatment.

Many oncologist believe, in fact, that it is essential, if possible, to directly target and kill the cancer stem cells in order to obtain a better result for the patient. We have made this practice possible.

At ATVentureCenter we are very proud to use our expertise and our highly experienced team of commercialization professionals to assist Sanatela's acquisition of a worldwide exclusive license for this breakthrough product, provide capital, arrange growth capital, recruit senior management and provide guidance throughout the many steps required to launch a new advanced technology product into the global marketplace.

At the present time, we are searching for a home, and for a major clean lab, for Sanatela's new production facility. On Sanatela's behalf we are searching through State incentive programs for communities seeking the kinds of high paying advanced bio-tech jobs that Sanatela will create as it grows and adds other products to its product mix. We have contacted NY, Texas and several other states that have expressed ab nterest in having Sanatela produce its products in their states. If you know anyone in your state seeking a advanced technology high growth company, please feel free to contact me directly on LinkedIn.

Sanatela will begin the distribution of its new fully developed products to a group of select research hospitals and cancer institutes in October 2019.

It is our hope that the thousands of media professionals connected to my LinkedIn page across the globe will see our press release on August 14rh and spread the word that there is a paradigm shift coming to the world of cancer treatment. .


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