Sanatan Leadership Program
Gaurav Pradhan ? ????
Leadership Architect, Data Scientist, Advisor, Digital Strategist, Business Transformation, Public Speaker
We all, I mean professionals in Executive roles must have done many short Executive courses in Life. I myself had been to MIT, Harvard, Stanford. We join course, study in class, go to mess as unknown eat food and sleep. On last day get some certificate and come back. The professors never show up after 1or 2 hr class
This is why SLP is different. We come as unknown and leave as a family. In last 8 batches highly accomplished corporate people like GM, Directors, CEO, Heads, VP have been part of course. They comes with corporate title on day one with Hi Sir greetings and by mid week fully convert as students and on last day transformed Leaders. During fun time they are like kids
I am very proud to say that today I am Guru for 120 of them devoted for life
SLP is the only course in the world which has power to transform you in one week. Arrival day on dinner table its just formal as folks are from all over the world and on departure day Tears roll down, hugs are tight and ashirwad is from heart
That's how I am building Family of Leaders
and the best thing, NO CERTIFICATE is issues but without it your performance shoot up and you transform a better LEADER?
if there is one course which has power to transform you in a week, its none other then SLP By Gaurav Pradhan. Any course I do has the power to transform you and put u on upside growth in all walk of life
but on one condition that for 7 days you surrender yourself to me 100% and I promise to curve out a GEM in you
That's what I do best
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