Samvad “The Bhagavad Gita”: Timeless Wisdom
hellomyyoga hosts the Bhagavad Gita Samvad every year with three yoga scholars from three different generations: Dr. N Ganesh Rao, Prasad Rangnekar, and Harshvardhan Jhaveri. As an exciting addition to this enlightening event, we have created a blog where you can gain a profound glimpse into the wisdom and insights shared by these remarkable teachers.
Join us for an enchanting discussion as we dive into the everlasting wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita at this year’s Samvad “The Bhagavad Gita: Timeless Wisdom.” Mark your calendars for December 24th, 2023, from 08:30-11:00 PM IST, and be a part of this captivating conversation.
Life & Bhagavad Gita
Life is a complex tapestry of emotions and characteristics, ranging from the depths of sadness to the heights of happiness. It is a delicate balance of success and failure, kindness and hard work, and so much more. In our quest to seek wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita, we have chosen a select number of attributes and assigned two to each teacher. Through their unique perspectives and personal experiences, this blog aims to discover what this ancient text teaches about these attributes and uncover how these teachers incorporate these lessons into their own lives and how can we apply them in modern times.
Read on as we explore the depths of the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings together!
Dr. N Ganesh Rao
yuktāhāra-vihārasya yukta-che?h?asya karmasu
yukta-svapnāvabodhasya yogo bhavati du?kha-hā
But those who are temperate in eating and recreation, balanced in work, and regulated in sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by practicing Yog.
yogī yu?jīta satatam ātmāna? rahasi sthita?
ekākī yata-chittātmā nirā?hīr aparigraha?
BG 6.10: Those who seek the state of Yog should reside in seclusion, constantly engaged in meditation with a controlled mind and body, getting rid of desires and possessions for enjoyment.
(Translation source:
Prasad Rangnekar’s Commentary
In the Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna mentions two kinds of traits that lead us in opposite directions, Daivi & Asuri Sampad. He asks us to cultivate the Daivi Sampad, the divine traits, that lead to liberation. One of the divine (liberating) traits is Daya, kindness (Bhagavad Gita 16:2).
ahimsā satyamakrodhastyāga? ?āntirapaisunam
daya bhūte?valoluptvam mārdavam hrīracāpalam
Adi Shankaracharya in his commentary on the Gita states that Daya, kindness, is being empathetic towards other’s suffering. With so many of us suffering due to physical and mental issues these days, kindness is a virtue we all need to consciously develop, is what I think.
Bhagavad Gita is a yogic text that starts off with Arjuna’s confusion and ends with Arjuna’s clarity. This arc of mental transformation is what spiritual seeker goes through when they apply the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita help us navigate life with faith, resilience, and clarity, and emerge victorious in our inner battles. This journey of fighting our own inner demons is a life-long project, and this is why steady faith (Shraddha) is crucial. As Shri Krishna says, only the one with faith derives knowledge (Bhagavad Gita 4:39)
?hraddhāvānllabhate j?āna? tat-para? sanyatendriya?
j?āna? labdhvā parā? ?hāntim achire?ādhigachchhati
Harshvardhan Jhaveri’s Commentary
BG 17.14
deva-dwija-guru-prāj?a- pūjana? ?haucham ārjavam
brahmacharyam ahinsā cha ?hārīra? tapa uchyate
To achieve success in life, it is certain that one must put in the hard work. Be it spiritual pursuits or the realization of any project or work, one must put in the appropriate efforts and take the necessary steps towards it. This is termed tapas in yogic parlance. In the BG, ?rī K???a describes tapas on the level of the body, speech, and mind which can be sāttvika, rājasika or tāmasika. Amongst them, the sāttvika kind is best suited for progress while the rājasika occasionally brings results but is uncertain and the tāmasika type is destructive in nature. Hard work is considered sāttvika in nature when it is performed with ?raddhā and is ni?kāma in nature i.e. it is free from the desire for rewards of the action. As Swami Chinmayananda says – “Do your best and leave the rest”. Applying oneself completely to the goal and then surrendering to the result (pra?idhāna) is the best way as in this way whether one succeeds or not, one remains equanimous in the outcome that plays out.
BG 17.19
mū?ha-grāhe?ātmano yat pī?ayā kriyate tapa?
parasyotsādanārtha? vā tat tāmasam udāh?itam
The manner of dialogue itself throughout the Gītā between ?rī K???a and Arjuna speaks greatly on how to be a good listener. ?rī K???a and Arjuna both are exemplary examples of it. Whenever Arjuna is perplexed or raises a doubt or question, Bhagavān is patiently listening. Sometimes the question is short, sometimes longer in nature. And when He responds, which sometimes is very lengthy and continues for several verses, Arjuna is also patiently listening to His reply to understand and integrate the teaching into his being. One of the essential teachings of the Gītā is to be a good listener – and if we can listen to their dialogue with complete awareness, we too can learn the value of listening. ?ravana i.e. listening with awareness is the first of the three steps to assimilate the teachings of Vedānta (the other two being Manana – reflection and Nidhidhyāsana – contemplation) and it is well known that ?ravana itself has the potential to deliver the highest teaching and realization as well.
It’s a beautiful blog, isn’t it? Imagine this: if reading this blog is already so captivating, just imagine how much more beautiful it will be to listen to all these remarkable yoga scholars LIVE! This blog only offers you a glimpse, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to join us for the live session. During this session, these incredible teachers will share two meticulously selected shlokas each, providing their unique perspectives and profound insights. Prepare to be captivated by their wisdom and join us for an unforgettable experience!