Samsung Artik IoT Cloud Lacks Key Enterprise Features
Samsung Electronics hosted its annual developer conference, SDC, on April 27th and 28th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. It announced the availability of Artik Cloud, a dedicated cloud platform for connecting the Internet of Things. Samsung claimed that its vision for Artik Cloud is to enable developers to build connected applications instead of silos.
With major platform vendors jumping on the bandwagon, the IoT PaaS market is heating up. AWS IoT, Azure IoT, and IBM Watson are gearing to become the key contenders of this segment. Since the acquisition of 2lemetry, Amazon has been busy bringing IoT capabilities to AWS. Microsoft has constantly been adding new features to Azure IoT platform. IBM is augmenting Bluemix through IoT and cognitive services.
With the tall claim of being the most connected IoT cloud, will Samsung Artik Cloud make a dent in the market? At least, not in its current form. Samsung built a primitive cloud platform that has basic device management, rules engine, data aggregation, and visualization. Developers will be able to onboard devices by creating manifests that describe device capabilities. They can configure machine-to-machine communication through MQTT and other supported protocols. The time-series datasets sent by the devices can be visualized within the portal. The platform also comes with a simple rules engine to trigger an action when a condition is met. These are the key capabilities of Artik Cloud in its initial version.
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Janakiram MSV is an analyst, advisor, and architect. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.