Sampling Interval for Flow Hydrograph
The sampling interval or period is the time interval between successive samples and applies to all hydrometric data collection, including Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meters (ADVM).? Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meters are in-situ acoustic Doppler instruments, grouped under either up-looking (bed mounted) or side looking (bank mounted) instruments.
Before we further discuss sampling interval requirements, it’s important that we define the different timing parameters that ADVM’s instruments utilizes during the measurement process.? The timing parameters can be grouped under, Ping Rate, Averaging Period, and Sampling Interval.
The ping rate does not account for real world variations in water velocity at a monitoring site and an averaging period long enough should be selected to average variations.
In most applications the maximum averaging period is selected within the constraints of sampling interval (equal or shorter), power supply (longer period, higher power consumption) and data output type (allow time for data transmission, SDI12).? Longer averaging period does improve the measurement uncertainty.
The selection of appropriate sampling interval for a flow monitoring site can be achieved by one or combination of the following approaches,
It’s important to understand that the Averaging Period and Sampling Interval selection can have impact on the overall measurement uncertainty.? Careful consideration should be given in the selection of appropriate timing parameters for a flow monitoring site as these are dependent on the site and hydraulic conditions.