Sample Panel Discussion Invitation
Kristin Arnold
Facilitating and training your teams to achieve extraordinary results, processes, and relationships through in-person and virtual retreats and meetings
You’ve identified your desired slate of?D.E.E.P. panelists?and now you need to send them a panel discussion invitation by email (or if you’re old school, by postal mail!). To have a comprehensive yet crisp letter, consider including the following elements:
10 Elements to a Panel Discussion Invitation Email or Letter
Kristin’s Panelist Invitation Letter Template
Subject: Panelist Invitation – <Meeting Name and Date>
Dear <name>:
As the <event title> Meeting Chair, I am pleased to invite you to be a panelist on <date> to discuss <topic>.
<Provide meeting background, objectives, format, and number and demographics of attendees.>
The <meeting/conference/convention> will be held on?<day>, <date>?at the?<location> from <start time> to <end time>.?We would like to know if you would like to be a panelist at one of our panel discussions.?The panel is scheduled to start at <time> and end at <time>/<will be determined later on>.
As one of <number of panelists> people/experts on the panel, you will be asked to provide some opening remarks for <x> minutes on the topic.
Half of the <x-minute> session is reserved for answering the audience’s questions.?The <meeting> Planning Committee will select a panel moderator who will work with you and your fellow panelists to make sure you cover relevant topics that?our audience is interested in?without overlap.
<Provide additional background on format and demographics of attendees.>
We are pleased to announce that <name/title> will be our keynote speaker from <start time> to <end time> and you are welcome to <stay for the entire day…join me for lunch…..etc.>.?<Add any other interesting details here.>
If you are interested, I will send you a copy of <promotional materials and last year’s program> so that you can get a better feel for the event.?Please let me know — via return email or by phone?<phone number> — whether you are interested in participating on this panel. With your affirmative response, I would also appreciate the following:
You may already know <names and relationship to invitee>.?Please feel free to ask them or me if you have questions.?I can tell you from personal experience these past <number> years that this is a fulfilling endeavor.?The participants really like and need this information, and many of them who have attended in the past have raved about their experience.
I look forward to hearing from you by <date>.
Thank you,
Signature Line
You can find more examples of panelist invitation letters?here.