Sample the Constructive Agility? for Leaders Course, For Free.

Sample the Constructive Agility? for Leaders Course, For Free.

In this September 4 webinar, we will explain how you can take two modules of our acclaimed course, Constructive Agility? for Leaders (renamed from Agile 2 Foundations), beginning on September 9, totally for free.

That way you can try it out, with no obligation at all. The webinar will give all the details.

How is this different?

First of all, most leadership training programs tend to focus only on soft skills like inclusiveness, support, and vision, but don’t cover the behaviors that create agility or that help people to get things organized. Leaders at highly agile and effective companies are also decisive, know how to generate quality discussion, and much more.

Leadership training must be well rounded to be effective. All these things matter.

Our program covers all the things that are needed today – things that are applicable for leaders at all levels. And importantly, the revamped program is highly engaging and collaborative, which makes it effective, so it will be time well-spent.

To find out more, attend the webinar;

Just go to our website, and click on the “Register here” link – you can’t miss it!

#agility #leadership


