Samit100 Biznis Lidera Jugoisto?ne Evrope
Na skoro odr?anom Samitu o Zapadnom Balkanu u Parizu poru?eno je da je regionalna saradnja klju?ni uslov za evropsku perspektivu i ekonomski prosperitet zemalja na?e regije. Berlinska inicijativa za Zapadni Balkan, zapo?eta prije dvije godine u Berlinu, nastavljena pro?le godine u Be?u i ove u Parizu, konstantno isti?e bitnosti ja?anja ekonomskog povezivanja regiona.
Eu podr?ka kroz berlinsku inicijativu i podsticanje ja?anja saradnje vrlo je bitan proces za budu?nost na?eg regiona i potvr?uje koliko je vizionarski , ali i realnim potrebama motivisan, projekat Samit100 Biznis lidera jugoisto?ne Evrope, koji smo inicirali 2011.
Od samoog nastanka inicijative Samit100, prije 5 godina, dolaze?i iz biznis sektora bili smo svjesni velikog stepena me?uzavisnosti zemalja regiona, kao i da je koordinirani razvoj i ja?anje ekonomske integracije klju? za odr?ivi razvoj svake zemlje pojedina?no i regiona u cijelini.
Cilj nam je bio da kroz ja?anje saradnje i razmjene iskustava i znanja, kroz diskusiju sa politi?kom elitom oko boljih uslova za preduzetni?tvo i prekograni?ni razvoj poslovanja, pomognemo u stvaranju uslova za br?i razvoj privrede i ekonomije a time i stabilnosti regiona i njegove atraktivnosti za strane investitore.
Na?i predlozi i inicijative su vrlo konkretni jer dolaze od konkretnog iskustva poslovanja u regionu.
Uklanjanje barijera, ujedna?avanje standarda i procedura za izvoz robe i usluga te zajedni?ki projekti u kontekstu brendiranja regiona, transporta I energetike bile su glavne teme I ovogodi?njeg 5. Summita100 koje smo , nakon Aran?elovca, Budve, Cavtata I Portoro?a odr?ali u Sarajevu.
U dijalogu sa biznis i politi?kom elitom regiona, zaklju?ili smo da je potrebno uskladiti standarde i kvalitet robe kako bi mogla lak?e i bez previ?e barijera prelaziti granice zemalja regije. Zato smo predlo?ili da se usklade certifikati za prehrambene proizvode, ali i da se prekograni?na administracija i formulari usklade kako je ne bi bilo potrebno vi?ekratno cariniti. Autoindustrija je zaklju?ila da bi regija trebala postati konkuretna za proizvodnju elektri?nih automobila, a jaki dobavlja?i koji rade u zemljama regije iniciraju povezivanje u klaster. Predlo?eno je formiranje HUB-ova koji bi bili generatori za razmjenu najboljih praksi I nudili inovativna rje?enja konkurentnim tre?im tr?i?tima.
U?esnici "Brdo-Brijuni" pridru?ili su nam se na panelu "Dogovor za novo doba", dali podr?ku na?oj inicijativi i naglasili je da je jako va?no, bez obzira na stanje u Evropskoj uniji i njen odnos prema dr?avama u regionu kao I na sve izazove medju zemljama, kroz saradnju o?uvati mir i omogu?iti kontekst za ?to br?e I nesmetanije ja?anje ekonomske saradnje.
Godi?nja plenarna okupljanja Summit100 stalno iznova nam potvr?uju da je vi?e nego dovoljno predloga, inicijative i volje za ja?ane regionalne saradnje. Ali, s druge strane, realnost poslovanja u regionu svjedo?i o postojanju dosta barijera na administrativnom i regulativnom nivou, o nedovoljno brzim i regionalno koordiniranim reakcijama na nove trendove u globalnoj ekonomiji, na odliv mozgova, nezaposlenost, na stagnaciju u razvoju preduzetni?tva.
Samit100 ?e nastaviti da nudi konkretna rje?enja , da inicira konkretne projekte i time daje doprinos razvoju regiona i boljim standardima za poslovonje i ?ivot njegovih gra?ana. Nastavi?emo i da na?a zapa?anja i stavove vrlo eksplicitno sugeri?emo politi?koj eliti regiona i da o?ekujemo konkretne aktivnosti u cilju stvaranja boljih uslova u zajedni?kom interesu.
Jer, ne zaboravimo, exYu zemlje zajedno sa Albanijom ?ine vrlo atraktivno i profitabilno tr?i?te od 30 miliona ljudi i mi biznis lideri koji dolazimo iz tih zemalja, svjesni smo da je ja?a saradnja jedini pravi i odr?ivi odgovor na sve kako na?e tako i globalne izaove, koji su sve ?e??i i sve intezivniji.
Ekonomija je po?etak i kraj ve?ine problema, ali i ?ansi.
Mi u Samitu100 ?elimo upravo te ?anse da prepoznamo i doprinesemo da budu ostvarive.
Dr Du?ko Kne?evi?
Predsjednik Atlas Grupe i ?lan Borda Summit100
Summit100 Business Leaders of South East Europe
Western Balkan summit, recently held in Paris, stressed once again that regional cooperation is a key condition for the European perspective and economic prosperity of the countries in our region. Initiated 2 years ago in Berlin and continued next year in Vienna and than this year in Paris, the Berlin initiative for the Western Balkans constantly emphasis importance of strengthening economic links in the region.
EU support with Berlin initiative for empowering cooperation is very important process for the future of the region and has once again confirmed Summit100 Business Leaders of South East Europe, which we initiated in 2011, as visionary project, but also a reality check for where we are and where we are heading to.
Since the creation of the Summit100, 5 years ago, coming from the business sector, we were aware of the high level of interdependence of the countries in the region, as well as that key to sustainable development of each country as well as the region as a whole is in coordinated growth and strengthening of economic integration between the countries.
The goal of our initiative was to work together with the political elite in order to strengthen the cooperation and exchange of best practices and knowledge, make better conditions for entrepreneurship growth and cross-border business development. Also we wanted to help in creating conditions for faster development of the economies and thus the stability of the region and its attractiveness for foreign investments.
Our ideas and initiatives are very concrete because they come , as well as we do, from the concrete experience of doing business in the region.
Removing business barriers, harmonization of standards and procedures for the export of goods and services and joint projects in the context of branding the region, transport and energy were the main topics of this year's fifth Summit100, that was, after previous gatherings in Arandjelovac, Budva, Cavtat and Portoroz, held in Sarajevo.
Exchanging ideas with the business and political elite of the region, we have concluded that it is necessary to harmonize the standards and quality of the goods in order to make possible it faster and easier movement, without too many barriers through the region. With this goal in mind, we proposed to standardize certificates for food products, but also to align forms of cross-border administration, so that there would be no need for goods to be repeatedly customs-cleared while moving through the region.The car industry has concluded that the region should become competitive in the production of electric cars, companies from this sector in the region initiate forming of cluster for better joint performance. It was suggested formation of the HUB's as generators and exchanging point of the best practices that will also provide innovative solutions for regional companies for entering competitive third markets.
Participants of the "Brdo-Brijuni" process, Presidents of regional countries, joined us in the "New Agreement for the New Age" panel in Sarajevo and gave support to Summit100 and stressed that it is very important, regardless of the situation in the European Union and its relationship with the countries in the region as well as to all challenges among countries, to maintain peace in the region and enable context for faster and better strengthening of economic cooperation.
The annual plenary assembly Summit100 again and again confirms that there are more than enough proposals, initiatives and willingness to empower regional cooperation. But, on the other hand, the reality of doing business in the region is still witnessing existence of a lot of barriers on administrative and regulatory level, witnessing also to the lack of the fast and more coordinated regional responses to new trends in the global economy, to the brain drain, unemployment, to the stagnation in the development of entrepreneurship.
Summit100 will continue to offer concrete solutions, to initiate concrete projects and thus contributes to regional development and better standards of doing business in the region and life of its citizens. We will continue offering transparently our insights and opinions to the political elite of the region and we will keep expecting concrete actions in order to create better conditions in the common interest.
Because, let's not forget, ex Yugoslavian countries, together with Albania, make a very attractive and profitable market of 30 million people. We are business leaders who come from these countries and we are aware that the closer cooperation is the only right and sustainable response to the regional and global chelanges that we are all facing , which are ever again more frequent and more intense.
The economy is the beginning and end of most of the problems, but also of the chances.
We as Summit100 Business Leaders want to recognize this chances and contribute to them being translated to realities.
Dr Dusko Knezevic
Atlas Group President and member of the Board Summit100
Invited to Khoy PNU - Independent Translator
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Development Consultant to Wyndham Hotels & Resorts for Southeast Europe (SEE) / Head of Business Development @ DDG Group Savills
8 年Hajde da nesto naucimo od jednog majstora igre! Pravog pravcatog. ?