SAMF and REXLINE Sign Contract to Build Factory Capacity Improvement

SAMF and REXLINE Sign Contract to Build Factory Capacity Improvement

SAMF and REXLINE Sign Contract to Build Factory Capacity Improvement

The price of palm oil which is still stable and high and the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is increasingly under control, has made the demand for SAMF fertilizer soar because around 90% of SAMF fertilizer products are absorbed for oil palm plantations and the rest are absorbed by sugarcane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, corn, and various plantations. plant. Anticipating the unstoppable increase in fertilizer demand, SAMF has begun to realize an increase in factory capacity.

To start this capacity increase, PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk (SAMF) has officially partnered with one of the leading engineering contractors in Indonesia, PT Rexline Engineering Indonesia (PT REI) to increase the factory capacity of one of SAMF's subsidiaries, PT Dupan Anugerah Lestari in Mojokerto, East Java.

Ir. Yahya Taufik as the President Director of SAMF and Rahul Thutiyil representing PT REI some time ago signed a cooperation contract at the Head Office of PT Saraswanti Anugerah Makmur Tbk, Surabaya. The signing was also witnessed by the President Commissioner of SAMF, Noegroho Hari Hardono.

This Rp64 billion cooperation will be used to carry out the assembly and installation of 1 line of NPK Granule machines with a production capacity of 100,000 tons at the SAMF subsidiary factory, as well as an effort to boost the process of increasing factory capacity from 600,000 tons/year to 700,000 tons/year.

With the signing of this cooperation contract, Ir. Yahya Taufik hopes that he will be able to optimize the process of increasing factory capacity, so that SAMF can meet the increasing demand for fertilizers.

For now, the construction of production line supporting facilities has entered final progress, where production machines will enter in January 2022, and are expected to be used for the production process at the end of the 2nd quarter of 2022.


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