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Sameem Rouhani-Fard
Business Mentor to Personal Trainers Scale Your Online Business from 0->10k->100k p/mo /Attract premium clients on Linkedin
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If you're facing challenges gaining momentum in your online business right now, this is for you.
If you let this message sink in, ?? ?????????????????? ????'???? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????, and ultimately, your life. ??
Most people are spinning their wheels, not knowing why they're not getting results.
?It's not that you don't have enough leads.
?Or that you don't have the right strategy.
The real problem is that ??????'???? ???????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????? than you are committed to your success. ??
?????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????? when every decision you make is to keep you safe and cozy in your comfort zone.
??You've gotten so accustomed to being comfortable that any step away from that feels like a departure that you're not willing to face.
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For example, I see people cheat themselves out of success repeatedly when they say things like:
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I get that you want to be genuine and focus on being the coach that changes people's lives.
But this is hard to do with good intentions alone.
??To create the impact you want requires you to lead people, show them a new reality, paint a picture of what's possible for them.
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This. Is. Sales.
You don't have to be salesy, but you have to make sales.
?The reality is, ?????? ??????'?? ???????? ???? ???????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ???? ?????? ????????'?? ???????????? ?????? ??????????.
And who are you really helping then?
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This is classic backward thinking that keeps people spinning their wheels for far longer than necessary.
I'm all for doing your due diligence and taking calculated risks.
I'm all for investing smart and making decisions that have a high chance of producing an ROI.
But if you've been trying to prove you can "do it on your own" and haven't made any meaningful progress - ?????????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???????? ??????'?? ????????. ??
?Most likely, you'll be in the same spot 90 days from now and not much will have changed.
Because doing more of what hasn't worked won't get you a different result.
You need to shift, and oftentimes what this looks like - is asking for help, asking for a new perspective and trusting into a process that's worked for someone who's steps ahead.
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There's shit you won't know until you try it.
You're guaranteed to fail if you're doing anything worthwhile.
You're gonna look dumb and feel dumb too.
You’re going to have difficult conversations and there’ll be people who won’t like you.
Not everyone you talk to will become a raving client.
Plus a bunch of other stuff no one can predict that will happen that won’t be all cozy and comfy.
And if you can't handle it, then you shouldn't be in business.
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?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????, but care more about being comfortable than taking the necessary steps - there's a glaring problem that's guaranteed to keep you stuck and spinning your wheels.
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To move to the next level and experience new rewards requires a new operating system. ??
It requires you to make different choices from the ones you've made.
Ask yourself,
"What discomfort am I avoiding?"
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