Not the same river, not the same man??♂?
Josh Thomas
I stuff calendars with qualified sales opportunities in competitive industries without ads or outreach
No man can step in the same river twice.
Because it is not the same river.
And he is not the same man.
Rivers flow.???
They don’t stagnate.
They are always moving.
If I step into the river, I’m stepping into it as it exists at the moment. When I get back out that river will not be the same because the water that I touched has already passed.?
The man who steps into the river will gain perspective and wisdom from that experience. And so he will not be the same either.?
I’ve had opportunities to grow personally…?
But I was afraid and scared, and didn’t feel ready to take responsibility.
One of those fears was homeownership.
I did own a home back in the early 2000’s and then got divorced. Sold the house and decided to just rent while I was figuring out my next steps.?
Days turned into months, months into years, and a whole decade went by.??
During that decade, we went through the 2008 crash. Houses were cheap and I was super broke. So I couldn’t afford even a cheap house!??
When things started to get better, I was in a place where I was a responsible adult with an income and a strong relationship. I even got remarried.
The opportunity to buy a house came. And I didn’t take it.
I’ll get back to this in a minute.
So that relationship I was in went away, too.?
Turns out, the person that I was, was not ready.?
…Or that’s what I decided.
After the pandemic, things went bananas.???
People were overpaying for houses and I was kicking myself for not having bought the year before, two years ago, TEN years ago.?
Eventually I caved and got one. Finally planted my roots.
I WAY overpaid for it but I’m happy.?
It’s better than the situation I was in and the fragile state that I was dealing with at the time.
I almost feel pity for the man I used to be. Life is so much better than what he was seeing and what he was doing to himself and his life back then.
I want to show him but I can’t.?
Because I am no longer him.?? ♂?
And the same man from 2 years ago could not have been the man that was going to say “you know what? Screw it! I’m just putting the money down and I’m going to be a homeowner.”
He wasn’t the person he needed to be in order to do that.
But now I am.
So the river keeps flowing.
That me that no longer exists was flowing through a river of toxic sewage and keeping me from growing.
As more time passed, that river and that version of me passed by.?
And I showed up.
And today’s river presented itself.
Tomorrow, another river will be there waiting for me. And another me will step into it.
Eventually this river or that river will take me where I want to go.
But as soon as I get there, that river will no longer exist.
And neither will I.
I am hosting a workshop in Apex HQ on August 5th so that we work together on helping you transform your business and close this year as its strongest yet.?
I have a few discounted tickets left so let me know in the comments if you’re ready to secure your spot!??
I am Factor One for my own success. If you want to know more, go to