The Same Power // Romans 6:5
By Mark Jordan | Spiritual Advisor
Today is Holy Saturday, the day we remember Jesus’ lifeless body lying in the tomb while His spirit performed what is known as the “harrowing of hell.” As bleak as things seemed on that Black Sabbath, eternal hope was about to break through. We see this in today’s verse as we consider how we, too, participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection.
This week we explored the various questions I ask when helping someone understand the basics of faith. I hope this helped you think about your own life and life of faith. After all, you were created with a plan and a purpose for your life. Yes, sin got in the way of that, but God sent Jesus to pay the penalty for your sin. God gives you the power of the Holy Spirit to position and propel you to the places where only you can go to help make Jesus known to people perhaps only you can reach. Though we have an individual role to play, we are to come together in the church to find the hope and help needed to engage the world for the Lord. Through it all, we do well to remember that we get to share in Jesus’ eternal life since the same power that resurrected Jesus flows to and through you as well (Ephesians 1:19-20).
May that power carry you today until tomorrow’s Easter celebrations, just as it carried those who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion into resurrection morning. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen.