Same same but different
John Mason, GAICD
Managing Director, Managing Consultant, Non Executive Director, Author
Is it that time of year again?
Twice a year - late December and June - business owners celebrate the upcoming start of the new calendar and financial periods by asking each other “So what are you doing next year?”?When I first started in business, this question worried me. I assumed that I should be trying to double some things and halve other things, to look triumphant by visibly ‘moving forward’ in some way.?But decades of success – not only in my business but also the family and lifestyle I have built alongside it – have proven that my best strategy is ‘same, same… but different’.
?The first ‘same’ is our why
Our vision is the first thing you see on our website:
“We really like to lead and inspire a business to realise that together we can make quality business, normal business.” ?By leading with that in everything we do, including our rolling three-year business plan, we make sure all of our decisions are aligned with our values and purpose. ?Taking a company from zero to hero, creating quality standards, and achieving ISO Certification, is a fantastic journey that we enjoy guiding our clients through. ?
?The second ‘same’ is our how
Because quality is the very foundation of how we operate on a daily basis, we have systematised our work ethic so it’s inherent in our approach. As Henry Ford said, “Quality is doing it right when no one is looking.” ?We create habits by repeating patterns of behaviour, which then become our natural way of working. This ensures that showing up for our clients and delivering on our promises is an inbuilt part of how we do business.
?The ‘different’ is our what
We regularly spend time assessing our competition, and making sure our messaging stands us apart. ?One of the biggest differences between us and other ‘experts’ in our industry is that they claim the certification process takes 6-12 months and the end result can’t be assured.
?We disagree – strongly
We stand by this so completely that we commit to guiding our clients through the process in just 10 weeks and guarantee ISO Certification readiness at the completion. More importantly, we don’t need to make a lot of noise about this because our 30 years of business success stands as proof.