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Sambhav Kadam Foundation - Empowering Indian Veterans
Thrilled to share an inspiring initiative that holds Promise of transforming the lives of our esteemed indian veteran
Greetings to all?subscribers of our Newsletter and followers of Sambhav Kadam LinkedIn page
We are excited to publish here our 3rd newsletter on veteran skilling. We have raised the topic of PMP Certification because of a large interest it evokes and yet remains a challenge for many within our community members. We have also acquired deep-insights into the PMP domain through our own unique MILVEST PMP Training Module developed exclusively for Military Veteran community members. We are happy to share these insights here towards PMP success.
A request for our Readers: Please populate the comments below with your own insights and feedbacks if you are already PMP certified. It adds to this knowledge sharing eco-system; ?If you are not yet certified, plse do share here your queries and concerns, if any on the issue.
Contents: In this Newsletter you will find the following in succeeding paragraphs
1. WHAT is PMP - 1.1 PMP Quick Snapshot - 1.2 PMP Advantage
2. PMP & Veterans - 2.1 PMP Vs Veteran-Transition: its Relevance - 2.2 When should a Military person Start PMP Journey - 2.3 Validity of PMP Certificate & its Renewal - 2.4 Eligibility Requirements for PMP Certification
3. MILVEST PMP Chapter - for Military & Veteran Community Members -3.1 Our Statistics so far - 3.2 About PMP Training Module at MILVEST
4. PMP Insights from MILVEST PMP Chapter & Veteran Best Practices - 4.1 PMP Success- Behaviour & Approach to preparation - 4.2 ??Recommended Resources to be used - 4.3 Success participant behaviour Mapping at MILVEST- PMP Chapter
5. Other Relevant Quick Notes - 5.1 PMP Application - 5.2 PMP Exam Fee - 5.3 Taking PMP Exam (admin process) - 5.4 Exam Pattern
1 WHAT is PMP PMP stands for Project Management Professional. It is a Globally recognised certification in the field of Project management for any Professional. As good as saying - ?Project Management means PMP.
???Advertorial : To Apply for PMP Training Batch14 at MILVEST, plse fill form here
1.1 ?????? ?????????? ???????????????? for PMP Success for Military Veterans
(a) Eligibility – Education. Experience. Mandatory Training. All Faujis will clear the eligibility conditions for PMP certification, broadly speaking. (b) Relevance & Utility Very relevant for every Fauji and an impactful accomplishment towards veteran-transition (c) Time Taken 75 days to 90 days from start to finish. (d) Efforts Required atleast 2 Hours PMP study everyday, Continuity is critical. (e) Fees: - (i) Training Fees - Mandatory Training Fee of 10,000/- ?to 25,000/- (at different authorised training partners). At MILVEST Module it is Rs 10K. - (ii) Exam Fees - ?Additional PMP Exam fees of ?approx. 40,500/- at PMI. (f) Critical Elements: Participants sincerity focus and commitment
PMP certification is issued by a not-for-profit organisation PMI ?(Project Management Institute), a US based global organisation and world’s leading authority in the domain of project management matters. One should also visit the PMI website to casually browse and read a little more both about PMP and PMI.
1.2 ?????? ?????????????????? Since most organisations globally follow project frameworks defined by PMI and its professionals certified through PMP, both organisations and professionals demand / require a strong working level fit via this certification. PMP thus ?becomes a potent qualification to have towards Employability. On the PMI website itself, a study in North America indicates ?that PMP qualified professionals draw about 25% raise in income compared to their peers.
2. PMP & Veterans
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- universal applicability and relevance to all military personnel.
- there are very strong corelations between project management ?and Faujis.
- Leadership, problem solving, team work, stake-holder management, ?result orientation etc are some of the abilities essential to a Project manager. These are also some of the key words to describe every Fauji.
- There is an established industry notion that Faujis have the potential to make good project managers, and rightly so. Many of our Faujis are making a mark in jobs oriented to projects and often a key skill required is being PMP certified.
- For those Faujis just starting on the idea of Transition; PMP is not just about Project but also a mini- management capsule which quickly familiarises them with various facets of Business processes. It is then for still-serving Faujis to acquire this certification early and build upon their Transition journey.
- If we talk about ‘What is a Project’ : Simply defined Project is a temporary endeavour with a start and end date and a defined objective which could be a product or a service or even a desired Result. i.e any non -routine activity that ?does not continue endlessly . With this prism, when veterans look back into their military service, every Fauji would have been part of numerous Project activities. Because they already have this expertise, it helps to ?translate their demonstrated ability actionably through PMP.
- Projects are in every domain, not just construction or IT. Most faujis explore all-around during Transition for next career or job; ?PMP thus provides every Fauji a great fit and credential to start from.
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2.3 ???????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????????? & ?????? ?????????????? Once certified as PMP, it is valid for 3 years.
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(a) Education: Graduation – Universally a Yes today for every Fauji.
(b) Work Experience: minimum3 years of experience in the domain of Project management, in last 8 yrs. This experience need not be as a Project Manager alone, one could ?be a Project lead, PMO (Project Management Office) team or any capacity within Project management. Every fauji will certainly qualify for it.
(c) Mandatory Training: Every PMP aspirant has to undergo a mandatory training before applying for PMP exam. This mandatory training lasts 30-35 hours, and on completion, a training certificate is rendered to the participant called 35 PDUs. (PDU stands for Professional Development Unit). This mandatory Training can be taken only from authorised training partners (ATPs) of PMI. There are just so many of these providers everywhere. The charges for this mandatory training vary from Rs 10 thousand to Rs 25,000/-. One should choose a training partner with due diligence and basis the quality of training provided plus resources and reference material provided. ?At MILVEST we have instituted a unique 3 month module for members of Military and veteran Community at a total fee of Rs 10,000/-.
(d) Self-Preparation. The mandatory training at (3) above is just that, a Mandatory capsule only; and does not completely prepare you for Exam by itself. This was only a start of sort. ?One needs to put in roughly 250 hours over 3 months , i.e. approximately 2-3 hours every day for 75 to 90 days at a continuous stretch to be ready for Exam. The initial mandatory Training happens within the early part of this 90 days period itself. Reading authentic reference material, Practicing mock tests/ questions from authentic resources during self- preparation and Taking Simulation tests at the end to realistically gauge your levels is strongly recommended. Strongly recommended to keep a lean approach with respect to reference material, ?and Not to impede your own progress with overload of material. We will discuss the Reference material later in this article.
3.1 ?????? ???????????????????? ???? ??????: Globally Only 20% of those who take PMP Training appear for PMP Exam. Of these, only half, i.e. only 10% overall get successfully certified as PMP. Remaining 80% overall ?are ?those who undertook mandatory training but Do Not appear for Exam. Globally success conversion rates are about 10% only
?? At MILVEST ?? - Over 30% of MILVEST participants have already appeared for PMP exam so far and a 100% of them have been Successful ?with exceptional results (Above Target grades in all 3 Domains). We have trained over 190 veterans in 11 PMP batches so far . Admissions are now open for PMP batch12
??Advertorial : To Apply for PMP Training Batch14 at MILVEST, plse fill form here
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??Advertorial : To Apply for PMP Training Batch12 at MILVEST, plse fill Form here
4 PMP Insights from MILVEST & Best Practices
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PMP Success will require from participants, a very Lean approach , strong focus & commitment, mentally ready for a 90 day learning journey, - Regularly every day 2 Hrs need to be spent on PMP study. Continuity is important.
PMP Training Module with 35 PDUs is just a mandatory Training Module for 08 days. Participants need to prepare and work strongly by themselves, ?based on continuous learning & guidance from MILVEST ?to achieve their excellence.
?? PMP must be finished in a time-bound manner ??
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(follow Lean Approach – DO NOT pile yourself with junk resources from all over)
- PMBOK6 – read once ?before Live Training. You Do NOT have to visit it again, other than where specific reference/ cross-check is required. Reading the PMBOK once before Live Training should be a Must, to derive any learning value from the Live Training. PMP Exam Content Outline is mapped to PMBOK(6) , not (7); so Read PMBOK(6) once. - PMI authorised Study Material – issued just prior to the start of Live Training . (PMI now issues their own study material for PMP. This will also be used by the Trainer during your Training. You should have been issued your own copy by Training Institute).
- Make your own Notes during Live Training . - Refer to them continuously during your self preparation after Training - Do not miss any Live Training
- your own Notes, very important. - Training session video Recordings- Refer to them where required, when preparing. - PMBOK6 – (Only for any reference/ cross-check where required). - PMI authorised Study material; all modules – read atleast once/ twice properly. - Mastery Builder – during & immediately after Live Training. - Chapter wise quizzes, to establish concepts quickly, as you start self-preparation. - Mock tests – By 3rdor 4th week after Live ?Trg completion, you should be solving Mock tests regularly, a lot of them. - Simulation Tests – These are full 4 Hr tests. By 5th/ 6th week after Live Training, you should be solving them; and analysing your plusses and mistakes
?? Caution ??Refer to resources only from authorised sources. Random picking of resources, or unnecessary piling up of resources will severely & Negatively affect your Excellence Journey.
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?? A successful participant at MILVEST is one who completes the PMP Exam within 45 ?to 60 days or max 90 days after Live Training. For PMP Batch12 – these dates are 05 Dec to ?20 Dec 2022 to 20 Jan 2023
?? ?A successful participant at MILVEST exhibits following behaviour
?? ?A successful participant should
5. Other Relevant Quick Notes
5.1 5.1 ?????? ??????????????????????. On completion of mandatory PMP training, ?one has to submit an online application to PMI on their website; highlighting the mandatory qualifications education, Project experience and Training in a particular format. On submission of application, PMI usually takes 4-5 working days to approve it. Also, upto about 10% of applications are randomly selected for Audit; which is also a fairly simple process in itself, and gets resolved Online in 3-4 days. Till this stage and application approval, NO FEE is paid to PMI. Once application is approved, one can pay for Exam fee and appear for Exam whenever ready with self-preparation. The approved application is valid for a year to take the exam; although one should target 45 to 60 days or a max of 90 from here to take the exam.
5.2 ?????? ???????? ??????. It is recommended to become a member of PMI, to avail lesser exam fee overall, than appear for Exam as a Non-member and pay higher fee overall. The overall fee (becoming a member and then taking exam) roughly amounts to Rs 40,500/- inclusive of all taxes (the fees shown on website does not reflect the taxes, which kick-in during payments). At MILVEST, our participants also receive approx. 10% organisational discounts from PMI, being a part of Sambhav Kadam.
5.3 ???????????? ?????? ???????? (?????????? ??????????????) : ?() Admin Process: Once ready, i.e. having taken mandatory training, prepared the syllabus yourself, Application approved and Exam fees paid, you can book your exam on PMI website. The exam can be taken in either a physical Pearson Vue Exam Centre, or Online with proctoring. Fee in both cases is same. If a centre exists in your city, It is recommended to book exam slot with Centre, to avoid issues arising from data connectivity or proctoring checks of online mechanism.
5.4 ???????? ??????????????: A total of 180 questions in 230 mins with two bio breaks permitted in between is broadly the pattern of exam . Questions are mostly Multiple-choice, some multiple-response, matching questions , and a few hotspot/ fill-in-the-blank questions will be used. Few or nil calculations, all situation based questions, no direct answer (rote) type questions, and most question scenarios mounted on agile or hybrid methodology. Besides the self-preparation, time management is another area participants should lay importance to. Undertaking a few simulation tests before exam helps.
6 Important Links:
6.1 PMI Website: www.pmi.org
6.2 PMP Certification : https://www.pmi.org/certifications/project-management-pmp
??Advertorial : To Apply for PMP Training Batch12 at MILVEST, plse Fill Form Here
6.4 PMP Batch14 admissions are now ON; admissions should close by end Nov. Batch Orientation is scheduled in end Nov, Live classes between 12 Dec &22 Dec 2022. The participants will be poised for PMP Success between midlle and end Feb 2023
6.5 A request again to our Readers of this newsletter
For Queries, plse put your qieries in the comments
. Plse SHARE this Newsletter with your Military and Veteran network and also Subscribe to it to stay informed
Plse add views and comments to add to this attempt of knowledge source on PMP for Veterans
Best regards
MILVEST @ Sambhav Kadam Foundation
National Head Vigilance & Security at Arohan Financial Services Limited
2 年One more milestone by Sambhav Kadam Foundation and Captain Vinay sir(mentor for Veterans) in publishing this News Letter. This will be a great help for Veterans to start and pursue their second career. Great going we all are together any time required.
MILVEST: Elevating veterans and military families through upskilling - a Sambhav Kadam Foundation initiative
2 年Thank you dear subscribers to our Newsletter "MILVEST Skilling Initiatives". Plse do also circulate the link within your network of veterans . Do Help us achieve our Purpose of sharing information and knowledge on up-skilling with veteran Community. Link to newsletter below for sharing:- https://www.dhirubhai.net/newsletters/milvest-skilling-initiatives-6971625353383432192/ Maj Monika R., Dhaval Lakhani, Himanshu Barapatre, sidharth chaudhary, Wing Commander Amit Singh, M. Mahesh. Kumar Gupta (Retd), Haritima Bhatia, Ayush Tripathi, arshdeep kaur, Lt Col Madan Sharma (Retired), Major Gurleen Kaur Wadhawan, Devender Chhillar - PMP?? CSCP??, Koashik Dutta, Anuradha Grover, Bhavna Mathur, SAMIR JHA, Pooja Negi, RAJESH GUPTA, Anupam S., Vinayak Srimal, Naveen Upadhyay, Dheeraj Joshi, Sujeet Samaddar, Utsav Parashar, Colonel Nitin Sehgal, Vishisht Seva Medal (Retd), Sankaran Subramanian, PMP? II LSSGB II IIM-I, Awinash Kumar, SHUBHAM MISHRA, jackson babu, Lt Cdr Abhinav Mishra (Retd), Sanjukta Ghosh, (PMP)?, Wg Cdr Richa Varshney, Bhargav GS, GROUP CAPTAIN MANOJ BARANWAL(RETD), Sri Kumar
12+ Years of Experience in Program Management, Operations, Administration & Security| PMP?
2 年Well drafted with adequate information on how to proceed towards upskilling oneself in Project Management principles. Great initiative by Sambhav Kadam Foundation towards mentoring the transitioning Military Veterans.
MILVEST: Elevating veterans and military families through upskilling - a Sambhav Kadam Foundation initiative
2 年Kanchan Kathayat, PMP? Kiran Chavate, KULWINDER SINGH MULTANI, PMP, MBA (Supply Chain Management) Aman Chawla, PMP?, CSM?, CEH, LSSGB? BE (Mech), EPGDHRM (TISS), PGDBM (NMIMS) Pravesh Prakash Gaurav chhabra Barath M Arpit Sehgal Jayadeep Ravindran Vikram Judge Amitabh Bhardwaj MTECH, PMP,PGDHRM,CEH,GCPP Arun Kumar Verma Vijayshan Singh samar sengar Lt Colonel Narendra Tripathi Gagan Pandey, PMP?, LSSGB Sachin Kaushik Kailash Bansal, psc, PMP, ITIL Taposh Munjal l IIM Lucknow Ashish Sharma Priyanka Hooda GP Keshav Savin Sam, LSSGB? ABHIJIT SINGH Lt. Col. Gyaneshwar J.Ramu Ranganathan Kapil Oberoi Colonel Sachin Jain, Sena Medal(Gallantry), PMP?, CSM?, LSSGB