Sam Walton's Secret
Whatever you may say about Sam Walton, one thing is clear... he knows a little about working together. This doesn’t mean simply working side-by-side, it means that everyone buys into the system. We share a common goal. We share similar values and ethics. We are willing to help each other out. And – this is the most important - everyone feels needed!
Of course it’s not a perfect world, and with 2.1 million employees, I’m sure that Sam would be the first one to tell you that! But it’s something we must strive for in order to be successful in business. Look at the best sports teams for example. They often don’t have the players with the most individual skill, but they all have important, well defined roles and they buy into the system!
Making everyone at work feel needed is not rocket science. Because think about it... if they aren’t needed, they shouldn’t even be there! So first of all, get rid of the dead wood. If you can’t genuinely tell someone why they’re needed, then they’re probably not! Make sure everyone has a distinct role and a common mission. Make sure everyone truly is vitally needed. Then you have an efficient team, and motivation to buy into the system is a no-brainer!