SAM? Major Nuclear Update

SAM? Major Nuclear Update

Concrete and Steel Coating Inspection Software with auto-population of LTQR

Standard Record Form


In the Construction and Maintenance of infrastructure, ensuring the longevity and durability of materials is paramount. Concrete and steel, being fundamental to modern construction, requires initial inspection and acceptance, as works progress, followed by regular inspection and maintenance to prevent degradation over time. The advancement in technology has led to the further development of SAM?.? Our software designed to streamline the inspection and reporting process of concrete and steel coatings.

One significant innovation in this field, is our application not only facilitates thorough checks but also automatically populates a Lifetime Quality Record (LTQR). Here, we outline the features, benefits, and functionalities of SAM?, highlighting its importance in the Nuclear, construction and maintenance industry.


#### Features of the Software

1. Automated Data Collection: The software uses advanced data collection methods, including integration with sensors and gauges for real-time data capture. For concrete we record, pebble cavities, spalling latience stratification, marbling, rust stains, marked construction joints, formwork misalignment etc. in fact a comprehensive surface analysis.? Everyone knows that inspection of steel coatings and insulation has always been the forefront our SAM? and needs no further comment.


2. Digital Imaging : Incorporating high-resolution digital imaging, the software can be ustilised later down the line to compare them with current condition and identify areas needing attention. This feature is crucial for predictive maintenance and ensuring the longevity of the infrastructure.


3. Auto-population of LTQR: A key feature were extremely proud of is its ability to automatically populate a Lifetime Quality Record (LTQR) for each inspected structure. The LTQR includes detailed inspection data, analyses, and recommendations, ensuring a documented history of the structure's condition over time.

LTQR additional Info Setup form


4. ITP integration : Upload or create your ITP within SAM?.? Using the SAM?, ITP template creation of ITP’s is a simple field selection process.? Choose from the list of sections and save ?


5. Cloud-Based Reporting and Accessibility: Inspection reports, including the auto-populated LTQR, can be exported to your data warehouse or stored in our secure, cloud-based warehouse. This ensures that the data is accessible to authorized personnel from anywhere, facilitating easy sharing and collaboration among stakeholders.?

5. Multi level Verification and Acceptance: using SAM? allows inspectors, verifiers and Client to sign off each stage, digitally within SAM? with no need for Client logins or user licenses, simply access your name within the software type your selected security PIN and the signature and date is auto inserted where required. ??


6. Compliance and Standards Integration: SAM? is designed to align with international standards for concrete and steel inspection. It ensures that all inspections and recommendations meet the current regulations and best practices, aiding in compliance management.


#### Benefits

- Enhanced Accuracy and Efficiency: Automating the inspection process reduces human error and significantly increases the speed and efficiency of inspections.

- Comprehensive Record Keeping: Automatic LTQR generation ensures that every inspection is documented thoroughly, providing a valuable asset for maintenance planning and regulatory compliance.

- Predictive Maintenance: Longer term, by identifying potential issues before they become critical, the software enables proactive maintenance, potentially saving significant resources and avoiding catastrophic failures.

- Improved Safety: Early detection of structural issues contributes to overall safety, reducing the risk of accidents caused by material failure.

- Cost Savings: Data capture is all live using android or ios tablets.? Data can be captured offline stored on the tablet for synchronisation later when in a wifi connected zone. ?Efficient maintenance planning and the avoidance of emergency repairs can result in considerable cost savings over the lifespan of a structure.


#### How It Works

1. Import data into SAM?? Spreadsheet, csv or Sql files

2. Pre-Inspection Setup: Define the scope of inspection, including specific areas of interest, setup users, there are multi user type options available, inspection equipment information and calibration

Location Setup

3. Data Collection: Utilize the software's integrated tools for real-time data capture on site. We capture personnel training records, equipment calibration certification,

4. Analysis and Reporting: The software analyses the collected data, comparing it against established benchmarks to identify any anomalies or areas of concern.

5. LTQR Generation: Based on the analysis, the software auto-populates the LTQR, detailing the inspection findings, analyses, and any recommended actions.

6. Review and Action: Stakeholders review the LTQR and other reports, making informed decisions on any necessary changes, maintenance or repairs.


If you would like a demo please don’t hesitate to contact me



