Salvo 208: Wales, Podemos, Station Buffets &c
Prof. Paul Salveson MBE
Writer historian speaker - dedicated to Lancashire and the North - citizen of the world! Chair of Rocket 2030, Manager Kents Bank Station Library/Gallery, President SE Lancs Community Rail Partnership. Ex-BR signalman
After a lamentably long gap, here is the (un) Weekly Salvo, number 208. It offers an eclectic mix of railways and politics, featuring the Heart of Wales Line, Welsh cakes, the far-famed transportable community hub (caboose), Podemos and politics as a boxing match, a new appeal for Llandrindod signalbox, updates on the Northern franchise and important intelligence from The Station Buffet Society. Not forgetting the excellent 'Best Kept Cheshire Stations' (see pic above). Very little tripe in this issue, regrettably (we hope our sponsorship by the Tripe Marketing Board will not be adversely affected by the omission). Find it here: