

Introduction to Salvation.

Salvation is a cornerstone of Christian theology, embodying the redemption and deliverance of sin through God's grace. This concept is central to Christian doctrine and profoundly interwoven with the cross symbol, an emblem of sacrifice, hope, and eternal life.

Understanding Salvation.

In Christian belief, salvation is the divine act through which humans are saved from sin and its spiritual consequences. It encompasses forgiveness, reconciliation with God, and the promise of eternal life. The basis of salvation in Christianity is rooted in grace—a free, unmerited gift from God rather than something one can earn through deeds. This grace is made accessible through faith in Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of humanity and was resurrected, offering redemption to all who believe in Him.

The Role of the Cross.

The cross, where Jesus was crucified, is pivotal in the Christian narrative. It is both a symbol of brutal sacrifice and a sign of ultimate victory over sin and death. The crucifixion of Jesus was necessary for several reasons:

Atonement for Sin.

The cross is seen as the fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrifices, where the death or offering of something pure was needed to atone for sin. Jesus considered sinless, was the perfect sacrifice, his death a substitution for the penalties deserved by others.

Reconciliation with God.

The cross bridges the chasm caused by sin between humans and God. Through Jesus’ suffering and death, those who follow Him are no longer estranged from God but can have a personal and direct relationship with the divine.

Victory over Death and Sin.

Jesus’ death is seen as a victory rather than a defeat. The resurrection is proof of God’s approval of Jesus’ sacrifice and a sign that death does not have the final say. This resurrection hope is central to the Christian faith, symbolizing that believers will overcome death. Manifestation of Divine Love: The cross is also a profound demonstration of God’s love. The Gospel of John states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This passage highlights the sacrificial nature of God’s love—a love so great that it encompasses even the ultimate sacrifice.

Living Out Salvation.

For believers, the message of the cross and salvation is not merely a historical event but a call to live a transformed life. Christians are encouraged to take up their cross, symbolizing a willingness to endure suffering or sacrifice as part of their spiritual journey. Furthermore, the concept of salvation extends to living in a way that reflects the values and teachings of Jesus, such as love, mercy, and humility.


The cross is not just a symbol of pain and suffering but also a beacon of salvation, hope, and resurrection. It reminds believers of the profound sacrifice made on their behalf, the victory over sin and death, and the unending love of God. Salvation, therefore, is not only about the promise of life after death but about a renewed life that begins here and now, marked by faith, grace, and a deep commitment to embodying the principles Jesus taught. This rich tapestry of belief and practice offers a pathway toward eternal life and a fulfilling and purpose-driven existence in the present.

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“Wisdom from the Cross” is a free weekly devotional letter from Pastor Dale Turner, available through 21st Century Ministries at? You can read about past issues on this website.?

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Wisdom from the Cross???? Unconditional love??? ???????? Sacrifice????????????????????????????? Forgiveness??????????????????????? Humility?????????????????????????????? Redemption??????????????????????? Hope?????????????????????????????? ????

Suffering??? ????????????????????????

Faith Overcomes Doubt? ??Faith Overcomes Doubt ( Resurrection??????????????????????Resurrection – Dale Turner.

I Serve a Risen Savior????? ?


