Salute To The Modern Day Parabolani

Salute To The Modern Day Parabolani

The city’s population was being decimated.  Afraid of catching the plague, nobody would take responsibility to bury those who had died.  Bodies were abandoned in the streets and scattered throughout the town. The stench of death could not be escaped as corpses decayed in the hot African sun. The plague grew at an astonishing rate because of these conditions.  

In the midst of this great tragedy a band of men and women stepped up to give the dead a proper burial.   Not content with this work, they put their lives on the line providing care for those who were sick. They couldn’t live with human beings left to suffer alone or to die without dignity.  So they held the hands of those who had been left alone with the plague. This band of men and women were vigilant, unshaken, and intent on being God’s provision of comfort and healing in the middle of great suffering.  

The Parabolani were God’s gamblers.  The meaning of the word ranges from “exposed” to “those who disregard” their lives for others.  They were the risk takers. They were people who risked their lives to provide dignity, comfort and healing for those struck by the plague.  

I have seen the modern day Parabolani.  Our nurses, patient care techs, cleaning assistants, physicians, and the countless other risk takers who show up in our hospitals to provide medical care for those who are sick. 

I grumble about social distancing.  Burdened with the hardship of not going out to eat, retooling how I work and deciding on whether I should stream from Hulu or Netflix. This is sacrifice for the cause.  By the way, this is exactly what I should be doing and it is important.   

Our health care workers don’t distance themselves.  They run to the sick. They expose themselves. They take a risk for those who are suffering. Every day they step into the unknown and practice their craft for the sake of those who are sick. They are God’s gamblers and they place their bets on the power of showing up.

Thank you!


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