Salt & Pepper
Rajend Peethambara Menon DTM, MBA HR, MCom, IADT, MA Psych (Ong), CIPD L5 (Ong)
Learning & Development Manager | Lead Auditor ISO 22000 | Content Design & Delivery Specialist | Inspired 50,000+ Individuals | Empowering Growth Through Leadership, Storytelling & Training
Ahh what is this? you put too much salt, my wife started complaining on my experiment on the lock down, Can you imagine a world without tastes in your palate, especially salt and pepper, the main ingredients of any delicious dish that you eat.
Salt and pepper as I said it’s the special gift from god for our taste buds, but newborn and children don’t have the habit of eating salt and pepper and they will never complain about it when ever they are having their palate.
It’s the habit and how you make your taste buds, gradually children will also make a habit of tasting both and then they also will become fans. And express the tastes with words yummy and yucky.
Can you eat a dish which is of more salt or pepper?
This shows that slat and pepper even though it provides an enhanced taste to your palate, if not used properly can spoil the dish.
Lets compare Salt and pepper with two inevitable ingredients of our life that are care and love.
Care which can be compared to salt, we want care from all especially at the time of childhood, but when we reach teen ages, we will start hating it, we will be hesitant to answer the calls from our Father, mother. When we are reaching home late, we hate their questions. We do think they are controlling us more. Their care will be considered as disturbances, but when we grow old, we want care desperately from our children but then there is no time for them. Salt also is same we will eat it at the time of our younger ages with no limits and when we grow older complications will start because of it, as many of the lifestyle diseases are because of the consumption of salt in excess.
Love on the other hand changes like the variety of pepper available, bell pepper,piri piri, jalapeno pepper, cherry pepper the pepper added for the dish enhances the taste of the palate and for each dish the amount or type of pepper is different. Love is experienced from childhood, but it transforms every now and then. The love of parents, grandparents, the teachers, friend, wife/husband, children are examples for it.
Even though the characteristics of both salt and pepper is different many of us likes the combination it. Starting from the time of childhood when we ate raw mangos, to the older time, of not having teeth and loving the soups with the salt and pepper, it is the companion for all the dishes of our palate. We must remember that there are people who cannot enjoy the tastes of salt and pepper because they are not even getting the basic requirement of food, and many others are not having anyone who will give them the care and love.
If you get Care and love the salt and pepper of life which is the best combination and the most important gift of almighty, be thankful, when you get it and don’t ignore it.