SALT & Peper Newsletter
Welcome to Peper’s SALT and Peper Newsletter! We are excited to bring you content that can help you in your SALT practice. To read the articles we have created, click on the headers and enjoy!
LLMs (AI Software) and their Role in Sales Tax Consulting
Over the last 2 years, AI tools have been making big leaps in terms of usability and usefulness. LLMs based tools like ChatGPT and are here to stay and will only get better as time goes on. They are slowly transforming how we work but they are still far from perfect.
In the blog post, you’ll learn, at a high level, how LLMs work, what to watch out for, and most importantly how you can use them for your sales consulting work. Check out the article here.
County Lookup by Zip Code in Excel
New technology is great, but old established technology isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Even as web-based tools replace tax consulting workflows, Excel will be a fact of life for the foreseeable future.
To help you hone your Excel skills, we found an interesting article that will help you look up counties by a zip code. The article provides a few different methods using Excel to accomplish this task. We found it useful, thought you would too! Check out the article here.
New Jersey VDA Quick Guide
Ever start a VDA and can’t remember the key info? It’s hard to keep track of each state’s unique rules and processes. It’s a common problem but we’re here to help.
To help save you a little time, we’ve started a new series of “VDA Quick Guides”. The first VDA Quick Guide is for New Jersey. This Quick Guide will outline basic program info, how/where to submit an application, and will contain other info to you help you work through a VDA for your client. Download the document here.
The Power of Deep Work
Not all productivity tips need to be centered around technology. Sometimes, getting the right mindset can help you get more done and open up free time.
Deep work is when you focus deeply on important tasks without getting distracted, allowing you to get more done. It helps you learn new skills and create better work faster. Doing deep work leads to higher productivity and better results. By practicing it, you can feel more satisfied with what you accomplish.
We’ve found Deep Work as a helpful concept, and it can apply to your sales tax consulting work. Check out the article here.