SALT cap remains under attack; options for replacing the fuel tax
The Bond Buyer
The only independent resource serving the complete municipal finance community.
House Democrats have a new tack in their attempt to eliminate the SALT deduction cap; with fuel tax revenues coming up short, National Federation of Municipal Analysts panelists explore options to replace it; Republican state officials are seeing red over S&P Global Ratings’ introduction of ESG analysis; and what else we're covering in the municipal bond and public finance sectors.
The latest Congressional effort challenging the state and local tax deduction cap would stop the IRS from restricting state legislation that offsets the policy. Rep. Mikie Sherrill wrote the letter.
Toll roads, registration fees and mileage-based fees are seen as the most sustainable options for replacing declining fuel tax revenue, but feasibility issues and political pressures complicate the way forward.
Elected officials in Republican-dominated states say S&P Global Ratings, by introducing ESG analysis, is politicizing the ratings process or even possibly acting illegally.
Michigan's new revenue and economic forecast add billions onto existing surplus projections but officials also warn of looming economic headwinds.
Fixed-income markets have had a tough 2022 but municipal bonds have been among the ones that have struggled the most.
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