Salieri or Mozart?
Summary: If one is willing to assume a causal relationship going from the policy initiatives to the economic performance and in turn to the administration approval ratings, we can use the data reported here to identify policy combinations that could result in an approval rating in excess of 50%, i.e. a popular and more than likely successful administration. Our analysis suggests a simple road map to evaluate the candidate’s economic platform and assess their likelihood? of success. It suggests a simple exercise. List the key policy initiatives of the presidential candidates and compare them to our list and consider the possible combinations of these policies and the outcome of this exercise? should help us anticipate the type of economic performance to expect in the next four years. To this analysis we should alsoadd decisions that could impact the country years down the road. The peace through strength and judicial appointments immediately comes to mind. The Supreme Court appointments are other decisions made by presidents have an impact?well past their term in office. The best example to illustrate these points are the Supreme Court and defense spending. The Supreme Court justices' jurisprudence’s philosophy impacts the decision they make for years to comes, years well past the administration that appointed them. The recent supreme court term proves the importance of these presidential appointments.? In the end , the suggested exercise will help us determine which of the two candidates most closely resembles Salieri and who most closely resembles Mozart and vote accordingly. To view this LJE Report, please click on the link below.
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