For Physicians With Goals to Become or Advance as an Executive or Consultant Within the Healthcare Industry

For Physicians With Goals to Become or Advance as an Executive or Consultant Within the Healthcare Industry

When you work with Physician Leaders for Today we will coach and mentor you; but what makes us unique is that we assess and measure your understanding of the key performance indicators required to be an executive and consultant within the healthcare industry.

Next we teach and build your confidence and competence in completing assessments, based upon scientific methods that will provide valid and reliable data to measure an organization's current effectiveness and specific predictive analytics for future focus.

Myth 1: This sounds difficult, it is not! Completing a head to toe physical examination on a patient is exactly the same "scientific" process used to examine an organization. For example, the same type reflex arcs we use in clinical medicine to complete a physical examination of a patient are also in play for doing a physical examination of an organization; if something is there it means one thing; if it is not it means another. So, please say goodbye to Myth 1. Organizations, even the AMA, continue to suggest that physicians are not good at business; not so Doctor, just not so...

Myth 2: Let's move on to another common statement I hear from physicians. "I am not a good business person." So here is the definition of what our business is: healthcare... As we peal back the layers on this onion, our business is, and always has been, the services and products that physicians review with and order for their patients; and, the consultations physicians create with their physician colleagues of other specialties. The key concept here is, in the business of healthcare, the patient is the physician's customer; the physician should be the hospital's business partner and customer. So say bye bye to Myth 2.

Myth 3: So, business is defined, what's left; Math... Physician Leaders for Today will go through the small handful of documents healthcare organizations use to manage the math; and, we share every advantage specific to knowing each variable to look for; and what it means if they are not there; or the numbers are incorrect. Always remember physical examination, reflex arcs; a lab report; an MRI result; I could go on and on. Myth 3, should be in your rear view mirror and getting smaller and smaller...

Myth 4: Another common reason for not seeking or advancing to executive or consultant roles is "the hospital only wants to use me as a mouth piece to further the organization's goal of manipulating other physician on the medical staff." Whether that is true or not, my first question would be are you confident and competent in the key performance indicators to be a physician executive or consultant? If you are not, you will struggle with being the only person in the room with any chance to lead the change healthcare organization's will need to be successful now and in the future. And, you will not be able to ask the right questions to assess or challenge an organization's strategy which also leads to effective decision making around choosing your first or next executive or consultant role. Myth 4, the saddest of all, so long.

I am reminded everyday and understand that there are too many physicians that are unhappy with where they are professionally and personally in life. I am saddened by any situation that has as its major symptoms stress, burnout, and specifically suicide. But, I am more saddened and angered when a physician is considering a change or has been kicked to the curb based upon age or poor decision making from any healthcare organization. If you are a clinician or someone seeking to be an executive, or consultant in our healthcare industry please get this: "without physicians our industry is nothing." I would bet my money that any organization that does not have as priority one retaining and creating business partner type relationships with their medical staff is spiraling in a free fall towards a meteoric event of catastrophic proportion of their organization's new reality. If you are focused on investors or leaders above you that are requiting you to get rid of physicians or cut their pay it means you have already lost; and, you just don't know it yet. For non-physician executives this is when you should start worrying about that tap on the shoulder from your superiors.

We are at an unprecedented time in the history of our industry; a time when we absolutely cannot afford to lose one physician; no matter their career or age or time in practice. Any physician that is certified and desires to serve their patients must be protected and reassured by all involved of their importance, I mean all stakeholders who rely on physicians for their personal livelihood and their community's wellbeing. We must fight for our physicians to continue on. "Those of us who have served physicians and that includes anyone that enjoys a livelihood given to them on the backs of physician's deeds and work need to reevaluate where we are as individuals and as an industry and come to grips with our individual and collective view for success today and in our future."

I predict we "will" continue to decline if we continue to see physicians as nothing more than a revenue cow and not as a well respected business partner in our industry. Physicians if you are in an environment; where the organization sees you as a thoroughbred horse; or, no value other than volume and generating revenue; often being required to take less pay to do more; I am looking for the physician character I have witnessed that knows it is time take back your industry, and start communicating, cooperating, and collaborating with your colleagues.

Solution / Application: It starts with one physician at a time; you. If within your current environment you play the role of prey for those who seek advantage, before you give up what you have worked for your entire life, please seek an advantage; and that advantage is obtained by knowing what those who seek advantage over you actually do; Assessment - Predictive Analytics - Optimization (Live Awake: Lead Awake.... )

Kent McMackin, Founder/President

Call or Text: 615-516-2078

Email: [email protected]

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