Salesforce Implementation and Cyber Security 2025 – Making Businesses & Future Strong & Secured

Salesforce Implementation and Cyber Security 2025 – Making Businesses & Future Strong & Secured

Salesforce implementation services have recently become an imperative part of business growth. From streamlining operations to strengthening customer relationships, cloud CRM comes with myriad advantages, and one of the strongest suites is its robust security. Still, you cannot underestimate the danger of cyber threats.

According to a survey by the National University, there were 75% more cloud environment intrusions in the last year, and businesses have experienced a 110% increment in cloud-conscious cases.

Data breaches and cyber attacks are also continuously increasing. Amidst all such chaos, your Salesforce org, business, and data become severely vulnerable. Thus, it is essential to integrate cyber security measures with Salesforce implementation.

In this post, we will discuss cyber security and the proven ways to overcome the efforts. –?

Making Salesforce Environment Secured with Zero Trust – The Beginning

What is Zero Trust? Are you also wondering about the same??

In simple words, it is a new data security measure that breaks down access to the data, builds new internal walls every time one tries to enter or access the data, and creates multiple checkpoints that ask users to prove their authentication and accordingly give them the level of access.

Zero Trust is the policy that says, no one is trustworthy and we should not give direct access to data or systems to anyone. A user has to prove his or her identity at each level of access.

Importance of Zero Trust in Cementing The Security of Salesforce Environment

In the olden days, the cyber security concept was much simpler than it is today. Professionals used to focus on a single parameter, which is no more the case.

Sa?a Zdjelar, Senior Vice President of Security Assurance at Salesforce, explained Zero Trust with a castle and moat analogy. When a user enters a castle (system/data) they can access everything, but that was okay until it was an on-premise environment.?

With the rise of the SaaS and remote work, this parameter got blurred out leading to system disruption and data vulnerability across multiple platforms.? Cybersecurity threats like malware and ransomware are on the rise, and therefore, the concept of Zero Trust comes as a protective shield. It ensures that no one is trusted by default.

Instead, access is granted based on proven identity, device permissions, and multi-factor authentication, making everyone safer.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework

Now that you know about Zero Trust, let’s move ahead and understand the way we can build a robust cybersecurity strategy for our Salesforce system.

This cyber security strategy is the NIST framework, and it will keep Zero Trust in the center.?

This framework or tool will have IT, business, admin, legal, and other departments work in collaboration in your business. The framework works on five main principles that also suit the Salesforce environment.

These five principles are Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

Identify and classify all the data you have and analyze the risk that comes with your data. Take all essential Protective measures (authentication, encryption, etc.) to secure the digital asset. If there’s an ongoing activity, do you have measures to Detect it? Prepare a Response plan to deal with any kind of activity. Have a strong Recovery plan, technology, and process to overcome any incident.

Role of NIST in Salesforce Security

The cyber security framework was initially designed for critical infrastructure, its principles and practices can be applied to any organization, including Salesforce customers. This framework will enable Salesforce customers:

  • Improve their cybersecurity posture
  • Align cybersecurity efforts with business objectives
  • Demonstrate compliance
  • Benefit from a common language

Salesforce Implementation
Cyber security

Key Takeaways to Build Strong Safe Salesforce Powered By Zero Trust

Whether you are an admin or a vendor, cyber security is the responsibility of everyone working in a company across departments. Do you want to implement a robust cyber security posture? The following actionable steps will help you achieve one -?

  • Form a cybersecurity task force, outline a charter, and assess existing policies.
  • Implement a cybersecurity framework (like NIST) to guide your decision-making process.
  • Review and assess your vendors and their access to systems.
  • Analyze your technical controls and explore enhancements and remedies to elevate standards.
  • Allocate resources for training sessions for both users and vendors.


In the present time, having Salesforce implementation services is as important as having a robust cyber security plan. There is no doubt that the Zero trust model and framework plays a vital role in offering businesses a result-driven way to protect sensitive data from cyber bullies.

Implementation of these security measures is a complex task and it is essential to partner with an experienced professional.?

Hiring FEXLE for your cybersecurity needs guarantees that you have the right tools and a tailored strategy for your business. With FEXLE’s expertise, you can confidently tackle cybersecurity challenges and focus on what matters most—growing your business securely.
