Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration: Major Challenges and Solutions
Salesforce Lightning Migration

Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration: Major Challenges and Solutions

Salesforce Classic served as the primary interface for Salesforce users until 2016. However, over time, it began to be perceived as somewhat outdated when compared to other CRM platforms. In response, Salesforce introduced a revamped interface known as Salesforce Lightning , marking a significant shift in user experience.

With the introduction of the Lightning Experience, there was a noticeable shift in the perspectives of Salesforce users, favoring the platform as the world's leading CRM. The Lightning interface boasts a modern and refreshed user interface, placing a strong emphasis on visually presenting information rather than relying solely on numerical data.

One of the standout features of the Lightning development platform is its accessibility for non-technical users. It enables individuals without programming knowledge to effortlessly create customized apps, showcasing Salesforce's commitment to user-friendly design. This ease of use, coupled with a sleek, faster, and more comprehensive UI, has contributed to the widespread adoption of Salesforce Lightning by businesses.

Regular updates with new features and enhancements further solidify Salesforce Lightning's position as the preferred CRM solution for businesses. The platform's continuous evolution and commitment to providing a seamless user experience have played a pivotal role in establishing it as the go-to CRM for organizations worldwide.

Although Salesforce Classic is still in use by many large enterprises for their day-to-day operations, it is increasingly being perceived as somewhat outdated. The platform's limited capabilities and lack of updates have rendered it somewhat obsolete, prompting a growing number of users to consider migrating to Salesforce Lightning.

Salesforce Lightning stands out as a more advanced alternative, offering increased speed, enhanced customization features, and improved navigability compared to Classic. Making the switch to Lightning in 2023 can prove to be a strategic decision for businesses looking to stay competitive in the evolving landscape.

However, the migration process from Classic to Lightning can be a complex and challenging undertaking for organizations like yours. It requires a substantial investment in the right resources and demands a well-thought-out, sustainable plan implemented in phases.

To ensure a smooth and seamless transition, a robust and test-focused migration strategy is crucial. Drawing on our experience as a Salesforce Gold partner and having assisted numerous users in migrating from Classic and third-party CRMs to Lightning, we have compiled a comprehensive blog. This resource addresses the major migration challenges that may arise during your transition to Salesforce Lightning, providing valuable insights and guidance for a successful migration journey.

Let’s discuss them one by one.

  1. Complex Customization: Salesforce, being highly adaptable, allows extensive customization. However, if your Salesforce Classic instance is heavily customized, the transition to the Lightning platform may pose challenges. To address this, document all Classic customizations and seek equivalent solutions in Lightning. If the complexity is overwhelming, consider engaging a Salesforce Lightning Support partner for assistance.
  2. Substandard System Performance: Performance issues often arise during the migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning due to users' unfamiliarity with new features and navigation changes. Conduct a Salesforce audit before migration, utilizing services from providers like Damco offering free assessments. This helps identify potential productivity and system health issues, ensuring a smoother transition.
  3. Feature Overload on UI: The extensive features in Salesforce Lightning can lead to UI overload, causing confusion for users. To mitigate this, review each customization and retain only those that enhance CRM functioning. Avoid unnecessary features that may disrupt processes, ensuring a streamlined and efficient user interface.
  4. Choosing the Right Migration Time: Selecting an appropriate time for migration is crucial. Avoid rushing the transition and consider factors such as ongoing projects, potential delays, and associated risks. Optimal times, such as weekends or periods of minimal business activity, are suitable for migration. Coordinate with your Salesforce Lightning Support partner to disable access during the migration window.
  5. Possibility of Implementation Delays: Implementation of Salesforce Lightning features may take time post-migration. To address this, opt for a phased implementation approach, prioritizing features and introducing them gradually to selected users. This helps prevent repetitive enhancements, reducing implementation delays and ensuring a smoother user experience.
  6. Lack of User Readiness: Post-migration, team members must be ready for the changes to avoid disruptions in business operations. Conduct a readiness check by providing training and upskilling sessions. This ensures that users are well-prepared to leverage new features and navigate the transition from Classic effectively, minimizing productivity issues.

In conclusion, migrating from Salesforce Classic to Lightning presents challenges, but with a strategic plan executed by experienced Salesforce Lightning Support, these challenges can be overcome. Consider a phased rollout to ensure a seamless and time-bound migration, allowing your organization to benefit from the various advantages offered by Salesforce Lightning.


