Sales: Your path To Personal Freedom
Laury Roux | Saturday May 13th, 2023
Today you'll learn:
Read time: 4 min
Learn to build. Learn to sell. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable. - Naval Ravikant
If you can't sell yourself and your desires, there is nothing anyone can do for you.
No client, no investor, no employer, no employees, no help, no friends, no partners, no one will be able to help you. Not even charity.
Ok ouch, that was a rough start.
Let's try this again.
Good morning, sales is a vital life skill.
One day I heard someone say that right behind being an entrepreneur, being good at sales is the closest thing to freedom, and I agree.
Unless you're the last person standing on Earth, you'll inevitably require sales skills.
Anything you will ever try to achieve, will require mastering the art of selling.
Allow me to sell you on why.
We need other people to say "yes".
There are only two things you need in order to make [a sale], something to sell and someone to sell it to. - Eddy Quan
In today's globalized economy we need others to:
Buy from us | Acquire our services | Supply us | Hire us | Marry us | Collaborate with us | Partner with us | Sell to us | Support us | Invest in us | Believe in us | Promote us | Read us | Pay us | Help us | Befriend us | Love us | Give us a seat at the table
Did I forget anything?
You can't do it alone. And by it I mean life.
The human experience is meant to be shared, fostering connections that deepen our understanding of ourselves and others. You need others, and they need you.
Wether it's with a friend, partner, spouse, investor, client, follower or stranger, it is your responsibility to persuade those you need of our vision and your worthiness before they embark on your journey.
The same way a business sells and markets their services, you are also constantly selling yourself.
The moment you begin intentionally applying the right sales principles to all facets of your life is the moment you start steering your life closer to the one you desire.
But not all sales principles are created equal.
Go Beyond the Sales Stereotype
The person who wins the sale is the one who cares most about the buyer. - Alex Hormozi
Last year at a car dealership in Florida, a sales rep said to me and my husband "Hey listen, what do I gotta do to get you guys driving out of here with a car today? 'Cause if I don't sell I dont eat ya know what Im sayin'?"
Most people struggle with sales.
Growing up I had always been told I had a knack for sales: I was a good talker (If I do say so myself).
During my late teens however I found myself shying away from it, out of fear of being labeled as annoying or self-absorbed.
Picture your friends running the other way when they see you coming with another once-in-a-lifetime-deal to sell to them.
The worst traits of the stereotypical salesman are:
No one should ever avoid leaving their house, picking up the phone or interacting with others out of fear of being roped into a deal you don't want but you're too "nice" to refuse, or opt out of.
Like they way you can never find the unsubscribe button.
The Compassionate Sales Skill Stack
I am learning that essentially, if you want to excel at sales, practice the art of being a driven, kind and relatable human being who genuinely cares for others.
Sales is the mother of all people-skills.
You get those you need to open doors for you through your journey to say "Yes" by mastering the art of salesmanship. Not just in business, but in all facets of your life. It's how you get to where you want to be.
But you won't get there with predatory sales tactics like manipulation and intrusion, not sustainably anyways.
I dedicated over 10 hours this week to researching the best sales skills for long term life achievement, so you don't have to.
I call it the compassionate sales skills stack for the long-term player.
Send me a message or comment to let me know if you'd like to me to do a deep dive on one or each of those sales skills.
For now, here's the list:
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar
That's it for now.
Thank you for reading.
- Laury
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