Sales is where Cash Flow is
Elona Lopari
Help Service Led Companies Scale Purpose & Profits /0-10MM Revenue/ Fractional Service Provider/ Keynote Speaker/Multiple Times Best Selling Author /Award Winner/ Investor
“Don’t feel like you have to work harder, learn how to articulate your value instead” Elona Lopari
Selling is all about identifying a need that another person has and filling that gap with your product or service. If you never offered your solution to the person’s
problem, then that person would continue to struggle in that particular area. That would not serve either parties, you or them.
I remember my beginning experiences and the anxiety of having to “sell”. I had so much fear and limiting beliefs around “selling” it was paralyzing. I would tell myself that I'm not a good salesperson and that I've never sold a thing in my life.
This was the conversation that I was having with myself when I started my business even though I had such an extensive background selling in the corporate world. Building sales teams that were serving with a higher vision and mission was something I enjoyed many years prior.
I graduated with a business management and finance degree and selling was only taught to me in theory and not in practice prior to that. It wasn’t until I practiced the skill of communicating with others, listening with intention, finding the gap in their wants and needs that I learned and practiced the skill of selling in my own business while also increasing my confidence towards it.
We really need to shift the perception and perspective on how we actually think and go about sales. Before I go into some of the important points that I want to share with you in this chapter regarding sales, I want to make some principal connections from the prior chapters on how all these concepts are interconnected in the day to day business operations. In the prior chapter I wrote about branding which is all about visibility and exposure.
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