Sales are for vanity, profit for sanity but cash is king !!!
Are you up to date with your companies cashflow? In these challenging times it is a necessity not only are you aware of your position in the bank account today but this needs to be projected into the future.
We have devised two cash flows for our clients to use a day to day one for immediate control and a 12 month one for projections.
Using a cashflow forecast will let you
- Control your cash management for the business.
- Plan and reschedule any payments and income on a day to day basis.
- Identify any shortfalls that need financing, either by moving payments to creditors, collection of debts or by external funding such as a CBIL facility
- Update the planned cashflow with actual results which should give you an up to date result of where you stand.
- Be a basis for any formal external financing, most banks will need this.
- Give you the confidence and information for good decision making.
We do this daily and have found it necessary to support our CBIL application. We have devised a simple monthly spreadsheet for day to day cash management and a 12 month spreadsheet for a more long term view.
Copies of the spreadsheets can be obtained by e-mailing us at [email protected] or phone us on 01275 541807.