Sales Support is a Painkiller to financial stress in your business.
Jamie Shanks
I launch & scale Agencies that enable Revenue Creation | CEO of Get Levrg & Pipeline Signals | Founder with 1x ?? First Base Hit, 1x ?? Bunt, 3x ?? Strikeouts, and 1x ??Big Opportunity right now.
Like all painkillers, they provide you the opportunity to focus on the root cause.? For many financially stressed organizations, the root cause of stress is an imbalance between revenue earned and expenses incurred.? The No. 1 expenses incurred is:
Here is what we’ll cover in this newsletter:
Outsourced sales support is a Painkiller to financial stress in your business.
You know it.? I know it.? When payroll is sent out, it can sometimes feel surreal.? I remember in 2018 at Sales For Life when we had >$250,000 a month leaving the bank account in payroll.? That was more than I was paying myself that YEAR!? I used to feel like I was feeding everyone, except myself.? I hated feeling like that.
Most employees don’t understand this.? They don’t know how we actually think.? But it’s a reality.??
Employees are expensive.
Employees are why your EBITA is < 10%, or why your Gross Margins are < 60%.
This doesn’t have to be.
You can have a 33% - 50% EBITA business.? You just have to change.
You have to be willing to forgo:
You have to decide what is more important:
Time, Financial and Mental anguish freedom...
Case Study - Zero-based Budgeting analysis for prospecting options.
My company Pipeline Signals has just gone through our quarterly Zero-based Budgeting (ZBB) exercise, and I thought I would walk you through the mindset and decision-making process.? This analysis is based on the People, Process and Technology needed for cold outbound prospecting to net new accounts.
Step 1 - take all expenses related to net new customer acquisition in Quickbooks (expenses are within the Ledgers we call “Growth People” and “Growth Technology”) - and $0 scratch them out.? They no longer exist.
Step 2 - we involved our Demand Generation team on a call to first review the Growth Technology.
Step 3 - cut ZoomInfo and Get Prospect.? Savings of $150/month.? (that $1,800 per year savings at 25% EBITA = $7,200 LESS in sales required to generate the same profit.
Step 4 - we reviewed the Growth People.? We had a player/coach in Demand Generation + 1 fractional SDR.? Player/coach had designed so many systems over 2 years + their monthly contractor salary had increased over years, so we could make changes.
Step 5 - we swapped talent from Philippines to Bangladesh (savings of $1,000/mo) in the player/coach role, and moved the Philippines talent to another hole in the business.? That savings of $1,000/month ($12,000 per year) is equivalent to $48,000 LESS in sales required to generate the same profit.
SUMMARY - we ended up saving:
+ $12,000
$13,800 per year
+ $48,000
$55,200 per year in LESS sales requirements
Pipeline Signals AVG customer pays $24,000/year, so that’s 2 LESS customers we need to win this year… JUST FROM MAKING THESE SMALL QUARTERLY ADJUSTMENTS!
CX Friday’s from our Digital Prospectors.
Every Friday, Every Friday - in my company Pipeline Signals & Get Levrg , we personally communicate with each customer.? We build a series of video best practices, next steps, insights, etc. to keep our customer relationships flowing.
But these insights don’t come from Toronto, they come from our Digital Prospectors.
Joy, our Head of CX, will make either an “all encompassing video” for all customers, and/or personalized videos for specific customers to help support their journey:?
Input from the Founders = 0.
Ability for Founders to sleep well on Friday nights =?
This is not rocket science.? This is just a mindset shift and talent acquisition strategy coming to life.? This can be you!
Don’t Forget – Benchmark your team against offshore talent.
Get ready to be shocked
Sales @FlashIntel I Lead Generation
11 个月Jamie Shanks which system are you using?