Sales success starts with Commitment

Sales success starts with Commitment

Sales success starts with Commitment

Commit to your clients, commit to helping your clients to the best of your ability, and then some.

So many people in sales I come across are just not that committed. As soon as an objection is raised, as soon as a client puts out a comment, the salesperson loses all interest and then blames the process, blames the client as being “too hard” or “One of those”.

In sales, you need to be committed. You need to be personally invested in your product service or offering and committed to working with it and committed to helping your clients benefit from it.

Your commitment needs to come across to your clients, they need to see and feel that you are committed. If you are at the negotiation table and you are not that committed and have not put in the time to be at peak performance if you have not roleplayed and practices and the practiced some more, can you really say that you are then committed to helping your clients be the best they can be?

If you don’t do it for yourself, and won’t do it for your family, the least you can do is do it for your clients. Be committed.

Be committed to your job; be committed to your clients.

Commitment to me is about going all in. I have noticed that people quickly come up to me and hold as a badge of honor how many hours they have spent working on something, building something or doing something. It amuses me when people come up to me and with so much pride tell me how much effort they put into something, but then ultimately when I dig deeper they never got the result. Focus on the Result. Don’t fall in love with the process rather fall in love with the result.

People spend too much time bragging about how much work they put into a process. But humbleness comes from the end Result. The ability to help someone. The ability to move someone and create significant value in someone’s life.

You always hear how about how hard someone worked but very rarely do you hear about how they helped someone. So be committed and be humble.

Commitment is about being fanatical about what you are selling. Commitment is about doing the research going through the options, and then making a decision and that’s it. There is no other option, no other googling to see if you have made a mistake, or if there is something better. Commitment is about 100% attention and focus on what you have and staying with it.

It’s about being 100% Focused, and that there are no other options. When you’re a salesperson, there is no other option, the product and service you provide is the best in the world, you are the best, and your client is doing themselves a disservice by not going with you. Being committed is adding so much value to the client around what you do, that there is no other option. You are the only option. Commit and go all in.

Be committed to your life. Be committed to your family, to your clients, to your work, job or your religion. By committing you get the most out of it. In sales, you need to commit fully so you can help your clients be the best that they can be. Commit all the way, commit to learning more about your product, service or offering, commit to continual training and self-development.

Commit to your product service of offering all the way. Commit to your clients all the way.

Commitment is not only about your clients, Commitment is also to yourself. Every now and again you will be struggling with life, with your work and where things are heading. The reality is when you push when you make changes, people will push back, your family will push back your “old friends” will push back. It is going to be hard, there is no doubt about that, but you need to surround yourself with people who are also on a journey in life, who won’t drag you down but rather lift you up or at least support you.

See commitment is about not letting your old behaviors slip back into your life. These Articles are a blueprint for high performance in sales and life, and if you let old behaviors slip back in, it will take three times as long to get back to where you were before. Stay headstrong, be true to whom you are and don’t let negative pressures push you back into your old behaviors. The minute when you slip back into your old behaviors is the start of when things start spiraling down. In a couple of months, you will start regretting those decisions you made and have to work three times as hard just to get back to where you were.

Stay strong and keep focused. Keep a strong mind and be true to yourself. How can you help your clients at the highest level if you can’t look after yourself?

Let me give you an example; if you are a high performer you will look after your health and your diet because how you eat is how your body and mind responds. We cover this in a later Article.

But think about it this way, let’s have a little example; you may realize and understand the reason why you have a slump in the afternoon after lunch is because of the food you eat for lunch. You notice that it takes a lot of energy for your body to digest it. Now you recognize this about your lunch, and so starting eating foods that do not take so much energy to digest. After a couple of years of this healthy eating you feel good, and your sales are strong, but one day you get negative, things are bad at home, things are not going well at work, or something bad may have happened in your life or it’s just an accumulation of a lot of negative things happening. Now let’s say you used to have a love for bad fast food. So you think, in your down moment, it does not matter I have been eating well for so long, I will just indulge myself today. So you go out and buy fast food. The moment you finish lunch you feel the heavy and fatty foods hit your stomach, your stomach churns and you start getting a headache, and then the client of the century walks into your office and you can’t think straight, you’re having a hard time focusing and you lose a million dollar deal that was going to save your business.

Now, this is an example, some people will relate to it, some will not. You will find high performers will relate to what I have written here. Why because this is how high performers think, how can I stay at optimal levels during the day and at a peak state of performance?

So was it worth it to indulge yourself? You were not in a good head space beforehand and now you will feel worse. One thing leads to the next and you start spiraling out of control. So be strong, yes it can be hard, but when the good times do come, they come in abundance as you are fit, you are healthy and you are a success in your life.

So be committed, be committed to your clients, to your life, to your health, to your learning, growing, and education, and be the best version you can be of yourself.

#FocusedtoSuccess #TheEssentialDifference #SalesTraining #Commitment #CoachingWorks #Mentor


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