Sales strategies in times of change
John Hawes
Creative, inquisitive, life long learner, reliable, values and builds long lasting relationships.
As the nation, the world, and I am pretty sure you face the most disruptive health and economic challenges any of us have ever seen. This is one topic where no shortage of speculation is available. How will my personal life change? How will the world change? What about my family? My friends? My job? How long will it take to get back to anything that looks like normal?
If you are a salesperson, or you support the sales effort in your organization, the only thing to be sure of is that things will be changing for you starting right now. In fact, everything has already changed. On that there is speculation required.
The tricky part is trying to anticipate the future. What will change in your industry? How best can you put yourself or a sales team in a position to bring the most value to your customers as the situation evolves? Do you need some timely advice for selling in this unpredictable environment?
Hear insights by Dr. Michael Ahearne, a respected thought leader in the area of sales excellence and innovation will discuss research he just completed and published with Dr. Jeff Johnson on this very topic. The webinar will be on June 3rd at noon Eastern, register now BELOW.