The Sales Rhythm of Business: Finding the Beat for Success
Sales is a lot like music. Just as a musician must find the right rhythm to create a great song, a Sales team must find their own rhythm to succeed. You might know it as Operational Cadence, Business Cycle or Sales Tempo. I call it Rhythm of Business (RoB).
What exactly is the Sales RoB and why does it matter?
Anyone who has ever worked with me know my 3 mantras* (Actually there are more but for now…)
You can’t improve what you don’t measure
If it’s not written down it doesn’t get done
Hope is not a strategy
The Sales RoB is a data-driven, analytical approach to performance management that drives accountability and consistency through the execution of core sales excellence processes and activities. ?
Executed well, the process introduces discipline and uniformity in making sure the right things are done when required, and they're done efficiently with the required sense of urgency. Most importantly, it instils energy and ensures engagement, commitment, and continuous improvement across the sales team.
In other words, it's a way to make sure everyone is on the same page and executing the plan effectively.
It’s a Team game
As a sales leader, it's essential to understand the importance of the Sales RoB. It's the crankshaft of the sales engine that keeps everything running smoothly. It's achieved through a well-sequenced set of cascading sales forums that drive the required cadence and best practices in focused execution and engagement across the sales force. Everything you do should have the RoB at the heart as it WILL be transformative and make you successful.
As a sales person, it’s tempting to dismiss the value and importance of the Sales RoB. ‘’It’s not for me, just more admin that gets in the way of me selling’’… It’s the one common denominator of every unsuccessful sales rep I’ve ever met. These are the same people that look on at their superstar team mates, wondering how they beat their targets so consistently and hoping for the same 'luck' that will one day see them make the President’s Club.
I urge all sales people to embrace the RoB process. It should take up less than 15% of a Sale Reps available time but will increase your skills, improve your self belief and drive exponentially improved results.
It should also stop those constant chase calls/texts/WhatsApp/Teams messages asking for the latest update on the big deal from your sales leader that you only just finished updating them on 2 hours ago. Why? Because the RoB introduces trust and transparency to your world.
What does a best in class RoB look like?
The optimal Sales RoB consists of 121 reviews between the sales leader and sales rep covering the four key measurable areas for sales teams.
Business/Territory review – Monthly
Pipeline Health review – Monthly
Opportunity review - Fortnightly
Forecast review - Monthly
Each review has a specific purpose and agenda (If you want to know more about the detail here then send me a message) but each review should follow the accountability progression to be effective and efficient;
What did you say you were going to do?
What did you do?
What worked?
What didn’t work?
What have you learned?
What are you going to do next week/month/quarter?
The discussions you have in these reviews will follow a clear agenda and must be captured and shared. The reviews will shape your plans for the next period, improve your forecasting, deal management and sales results. Everything discussed is fact based (CRM is an important tool for the RoB) - this removes emotion from the equation and helps everyone operate more effectively and efficiently.
A fully functioning Sales team RoB will also feature weekly huddles at the start and end of the week where plans are shared, outcomes learned from and successes celebrated. Quarterly business reviews will also be scheduled to include other parts of the business and promote a collaborative culture.
It's important for both leader and rep to prepare well for each meeting/review and not neglect any aspect of it. The Sales RoB requires commitment and your best efforts – it will reward you with predictability, trust from your organisation and more sales, more often. It is one of the key steps on the road to achieving sales mastery within your organisation, treat it with respect.
How can you establish a Sales RoB that fits your organisation?
I’ve given you the purpose and reason why you should build a Sales RoB within your business. By following a robust RoB, I’ve transformed the sales culture and results of teams and seen many individual contributors go from struggling each quarter to perennial members of the Presidents Club/Winners Circle. If you want to understand more and take advantage of that experience then please send a connection request or message me at [email protected].
*Full disclosure. These mantras have been purloined from very wise people I’ve had the good fortune to meet over the years. Always be open to learn.