Is Sales Really Sleazy?

Is Sales Really Sleazy?


This is a long post, but it has some valuable information here for those ready for it.


We all have seen the movies of the sleazy car or door to door salesman who approaches with a host of sales tactics ready to manipulate you.

Back in the day sellers always had more information than the buyer; so the seller could rip you off. Now we are in a world of information with internet, smart phones etc… buyers have as much information as sellers.

This has been a rapid change and people don't realize the information they have at their fingertips now.

But those negative representations of salesman still live on. But, keep in mind nothing in this world is accomplished without sales.

I have worked with companies that to say the word sales is almost like a sin. They refrain from putting sales in the job description, they give minimal sales training, and they expect their teams to thrive.

This is a major issue that I have come across with many companies.

How can you expect your sales team to produce amazing results when the underlying soul and culture of the company thinks sales is sleazy?

We make the wrong comparisons and are not able to convey the value of our products and services. Making the wrong comparisons practically destroys value in the eyes of your customers.

I was a believer in this myth for some time allowing others to be in control of my perceptions.

But, there came a time in my sales career that I knew that this couldn't be true.

I remember when I first started in sales and used to think that something was wrong with trying to sell to people. My first professional job was selling accidental death insurance which helped to cultivate my feeling of sales being sleazy.

It was a true test of will being screamed at, cursed out, and hung up on consistently everyday. I dreaded coming to work on a daily basis. After this job I stayed away from sales for a while.

I started to do other types of telephone work mostly at survey research companies but, what soon dawned on me was that I couldn't get away from sales. Sales was virtually ingrained in every interaction that I encountered.

I was selling but now I was selling people on taking time to do a survey with me. In this environment I thrived.

I sold people on the idea of taking surveys with me so well that I was promoted to management, and now I was training others to effectively sell themselves.

It was then I discovered, that I loved helping people achieve success in sales and that I was an effective coach.

In sales one thing you have to understand deep in your core that your product or service benefits the person that you are selling to more than it benefits you.

Most people don't like to ask for the sale because, they have this thought “I shouldn't ask for something that leads to getting money, it's rude, it's greedy!”

This mindset hinders a great number of salespeople from reaching their sales goals.

Since I became management/coach I have worked to serve individuals and teams to accomplish their sales goals and to replace the limiting belief that sales is sleazy as well as many others.

But, what does mean to you…

Here's the real deal, sales is a beautiful thing

~ You are able to bring solutions to people's problems

~ You are able to serve people and bring value to them and make an impact on the world

~ You are your own boss in control of your own financial destiny. All while becoming more confident and bulletproof to rejection.

You have been selling all of your life and you may not have known it. That's what I do my best to teach for people who are hesitant when it comes to sales.

Can anybody make it in sales? I believe YES - many times it takes people to look at all of the successful sales encounters that they have ALREADY had in their lives.

You have been selling since you were a child… to go over to a friend's house, get some candy from the store, going to the movies, or a host of many other things.

Have you ever had a job? If so, then you had to sell yourself to get that job…

You have a master salesman inside of you and a greatness that is waiting for you to unleash. Sales is not sleazy it is a noble profession.

So you may be asking if you are new to sales how do I get sales in the first place?

In this post, I want to give you some ways that I have used to be successful in sales and to help others be successful as well.

But, first I want  make a disclaimer to you…

The knowledge I'm presenting to you, I didn't create all by myself.

I gathered this information over many years from a multitude of books, articles, trainers, coaches, mentors, friends, competitors, events, memberships, and so on.

About 60% of this information has come from the above sources, and 40% has come from my many years of trial and error




Opening Statement (Lead in) - Your foot in the door

it's important to take these first few seconds with the customer and to make the most with them.  Keeping in mind their needs, time, and your ability to solve their problems with the product you have to offer. Keep the customer wanting more through the sales process.

Benefits - What you have that serves

What products do you have to offer to the customer and how can they benefit your customer. It is really about the customers needs at this point, think back to your initial conversation and use the emotional triggers that you picked up on. Remind them of their pain and present the solutions.

Prove It - Match your solution to their needs

It is not enough to just tell people most times you have to prove it. You can do this by giving real life examples which apply to their situation, showing the product in action. This is also where you can stress the uniqueness of the product.  

Special Bonus - and Guarantees

Reduces customer risk and helps to lower buyers remorse.

Price - When presented properly is a non issue

People buy based on emotions and rationalize with logic after the fact. Customers that are made to realize how the product is a solution to their needs will value the product more. If done correctly price will not be an issue.

Call to Action - Ask For The Sale

You can not drop the ball at this point. You don't get what you don't ask for! Just simply ask are you ready to purchase this so it can solve your problem.

Objection Resolutions - Really asking for clarity and understanding

Objection are not a bad thing they are an opportunity and permission for you to move forward. The customer is really just asking for clarity and more understanding.

Call to Action - Close the Sale

This is why you have been doing all this in the first place for the sale... a win/win for both you and the customer. Remind the customer of the pain and the problem the product is solving. Assume the sale by asking something like "would you prefer the red or the white or what size would best suit your preference small or medium?".

Follow Up -

A follow up system is imperative. Build long term relationship with your prospects and customers. Build in your follow up system a way to get wow and astonish them also.


               Persuasion Techniques


These are the psychological principles that work in the background of the process of influence:

What you put out is what you get back (Reciprocity)

For the most part we all try to pay back our debt and return favors. We will do what we can to get rid of that feeling of being indebted to someone.

How to use - Identify what you want and what you can give in return. One way of doing this is reminding people of how you have helped them in the past.

I’m going to do this no matter what (Commitment & Consistency)

We usually want to be consistent in what we say and do. This is something deeply ingrained in us. Once we commit there is more of a chance we will do it.

How to use - Get people to commit in the beginning. Find a way to rally people to your cause and commit to it.   

I’m going to keep up with the Joneses (Social Proof)

For many of us there is a certain safety in numbers… basically if someone else got then it must be good. This can be a real trap when you’re uncertain because we are influenced by people who are similar to us.  

How to use - Create a buzz around what you are offering! You can highlight the number of people using it and you can also use testimonials those are good too.(You can find some online for most products!)

People do business with people they like (Liking)

This on doesn’t need much explanation... people who we are familiar with, similar to, who give us compliments, or we otherwise trust we are more likely to do for.

How to use - Build rapport, trust and overall good relationships with people. The key is to be sincere because people can smell phony.

You have on a uniform so I’m going to accept what you say (Authority)

We feel an obligation and duty to people in positions of Authority. This could be a doctor, teacher, police officer, or even a product specialist.

How to use - You can use your own authority(How you have used the product and are an expert) or another persons authority. Being an expert and being professional help to convey authority.  

People want what they can’t have (Scarcity)

Things become more attractive when their availability is either limited or they may lose the chance to get the better offer.

How to use - You have to let people know what they may miss out on, that their is a limited availability of stock, or that item could possibly be gone forever.

The Foot in the Door Phenomenon

Get someone to agree to a small thing first, and it will be much easier to get them to agree to a large thing later. Lesson: Use simple, compelling hooks to draw prospects into your sales process.  The hook should not obligate the prospect in any way, or it may scare them off.

The Zeigarnik Effect  

People are uncomfortable when something is left incomplete. Use this knowledge to lead people into your sales process.   Zeigarnik can be used at virtually any step of your sales process to pull people along.

Cognitive Dissonance

People are uncomfortable when their beliefs and actions are in conflict.  They don't want to find out their beliefs are wrong. Make it easier for your prospects to make a buying decision by giving them reasons to do so.  They will be more comfortable with the decision since the reasons you gave them will make it easier to defend their spending choices. These reasons must be compelling.   Use scientific data, quotes from experts, polling research - any kind of concrete, credible information to justify a buying decision.

Conformity to Emotions

People tend to mirror the emotions of the group around them. If people associate happy images with your products or services, they may assume that purchasing your products will make them happy as well. When appropriate, try to incorporate a happy and upbeat tone into your sales encounters, but do it professionally.  This is a tough, but critical, balance. The type of emotions you display must also be dictated by the type of product or service you're selling. Find the value in showing the visuals of emotions - whether those emotions are radiant happiness or serene, assured confidence.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Everything we do is motivated by a desire to satisfy certain basic needs. In every sales technique you utilize, associate your products and services with the satisfaction of essential human needs. Review all of the verbiage you use in your scripts, web site, your emails, your newsletters.   If your wording is so focused on processes and functions without attention being paid to basic human needs, you need to revamp your approach. Ensure that every word you use is aimed at satisfying at least one of the levels on our hierarchy of needs.


The way people react to a message is highly dependent on the manner and context in which it is presented. In every social interaction one person is more reactive than the other to the words and actions of the person they are communicating with. One of the best ways I've used to control the frame is just to ignore the what the other party says and continue the interaction with high energy.


Human Behavioral Tendencies and Ugly Truths Of Human Nature


One of our biggest obstacles to understanding and persuading human behavior is that our sense of morality unconsciously filters our perceptions of others and as a result, invisibly alters the way we interact with them.

There is a simple fact that can't be ignored we are ALL manipulators. Few of us can accept this, so most of us are not only hypocrites, but also less effective in our communications with others as we could be.

People will resist unwelcome attempts to persuade them.

People will sometimes believe what they are told, but never doubt what they conclude.

Those who engage us hold the keys to our hearts and minds, and from there, our actions. We do not see these people as manipulators. We see them as saviors What holds attention determines action.

Every moment of every day, we want to be engaged in something. It often doesn't matter what it is as long as it can gain and maintain our attention

The body may send signals to the brain indicating its needs, but the mind doesn't have to pay attention to them. What the mind must do though, is pay attention to something. And without proper mental discipline, the mind will focus on the most appealing option before it. (Can Override Maslow's Scale)




Upselling (sometimes "up-selling") is a sales technique whereby a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. Now this is the technical definition of Upselling but what does that mean to you?

Know your Products Well - The more you know about your products, the more able you are to recommend products which will compliment each other.

Examples of successful Upselling  Remember the last time you went to McDonald’s do you remember them asking you “Would you like fries with that?” or “Would you like to Supersize that? If you actually added a fries with that double cheeseburger or Supersized that drink and fries that is an example of successful Upselling.

McDonald's make millions of dollars in extra revenue per year by using this simple phrase alone. Think back to the last time you sat down at a restaurant when you arrive at the table don't you find a dessert menu along with your Entree menu? Or has your server ever said to you “I guarantee you'll like our dessert tonight!” creating a delicious image of the dessert on menu with their words, better yet sometimes they actually have a dessert cart to create desire for the dessert and use words like “creamy,” or “chocolatey” asking which would you like to try tonight? Successful examples of Upselling are all around you, all you have to do  is look.

Sun Tzu a Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher around 2500 years ago stated “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” While the customer is not the enemy and selling to them is definitely not war it is important to know the customer and yourself just the same.

Know your Customer Needs - The more you know about her, the more you will know the products she would benefit from or be interested in. People have a tendency to “tell on themselves” the more they talk! For you that is a great thing! Make sure you ask questions to uncover their needs.

Be specific and tell them WHY they need your product– Simply saying “Can I get you anything else” is most likely not going to get you an additional sale. Help your customer understand that he/she can save some money and also make them aware of other products be specific.

Assume the customer already wants what you have to offer - When offering an additional “add on” type product, always assume the customer already wants it, similar to “Do you want fries with that?” Because most Upsells are complimentary of the first item, it is somewhat of a “no brainer” that she would want the additional items as well.

Focus on the Customer’s needs, not your own– As much I  know you want the sale, remember that ALL sales are more about taking care of the    customers needs more than your own. Do not try to sell a customer something you yourself would not want to have, or something that in reality, they do not NEED. Always sell with integrity! The Biggest Mistake in Upselling is simply making no attempt for the sale.


Personality Types


While everyone is unique there are 4 different customer personality types that you can use to your advantage when attempting to make a sale.

The 4 different customer personality types are the The Director, The Analytical , The Relater, and The Socializer. While a customer usually more than one of these customer personality types at a time there is usually one that is more dominant.  

The Director – Directors are those take charge kind of people who know exactly what they want and when they want it. They are interested in facts and not into much chit chat. Your interests are secondary to their own they want things not now  but right now.

The Analytical – Facts, details, product descriptions that's what gets this personality  type going. The data is what they are concerned with, their professions are engineers or accountants. In some ways similar to the director because they could care less about your chit chat or well polished soft skills.  

The Relater – They have a strong desire to be part of a group. They build networks of helpers to get them along. This is your friend that always knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy but could probably get you anything.

The Socializer – They are those fun loving social people who are outgoing and want to make friends no matter where they are or what they are doing. These are the individuals if they do not like you they are not going to do business with you. They love giving and receiving compliments and sometimes tend to be all about themselves. Socializers shop where they are made to feel important. Do you see yourself in any of these???

Here's how to specifically deal with each of the customer types.

Handling the Director – Cut the chit chat, give them the facts and give reasons that are short and to the point. You can give them compliments about how you admire their style of being direct and decisive. You can make suggestions but let them make their own decision. Stay out of their way and never confront.

Handling the Analytical – Unless you can back up a statement with facts and data don't bother. They want as much information as they can get. They compared products already and have done their homework and this can be used to your advantage. Many times they know more about the product than the people actually selling the product. Getting the opinion of someone more knowledgeable can be considered a compliment.

Handling the Relater – Relaters take ownership in anything they do and an easy way just to ask them. Make them feel apart of the entire process including them in any way you can. They want to be a part of the decision making process you can achieve asking questions like “What do you think of this product?” or “Do you think we should carry this product?”. The day you are dealing with a Relater the word of the day is INCLUSION.   

Handling the Socializer – Relationships matter to Socializers and not just the product. You should always sell yourself first in any sales situation but especially with the Socializer. They want their shopping experience to be enjoyable and entertaining. But you must keep them focused while keeping the interaction fun. Also it can never hurt to give them as many compliments as you can muster.  

Now you know how to deal with the different customer types…




Now there it is - you don't need a certification, some guru, or a late night infomercial you can start to have sales success now…

You can start today applying any of the above mentioned sales ideas and change your life this week.

I hope that your confidence and passion is ignited with this post.

And if this hit's home and resonates with you, feel free to comment, and share it with someone else who needs some light on changing their sales or business.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions, but this should help you double or triple your sales in the next few weeks.

If you still have questions about how to increase your sales send me an email at [email protected] with Myths About Sales in the subject line.

John “Sales Maestro” Turner

P.S. Be your authentic best self, the seeds you plant today will be able to be harvested tomorrow. Take action now!

P.P.S. Selling is a natural part of life, as natural as breathing. Sales doesn't have to be stressful, hard, or sleazy. Your attitude is everything when it comes to sales. Have fun while serving at the highest level possible.

P.P.P.S. If this post inspired you, then get out there and take some action and go win with it!


John Turner AKA Jusme Da One的更多文章

