Sales Process Automation Strategies- What is right and What is wrong

Sale – Sale – Sale ! *?

Sale 50% discount* ?

Sale – buy 2 and Get 1* ?

New year Sale* ?

Christmas Sale!!!!*?

(*condition applied)?


This is all how we use to sale our products, why because every business need sell. If no sell no business. Business without sell is car without petrol. ?

Sales is lifeline of any business and using sales automation you can make your business lifeline more powerful and advance.?

But sometimes, we as business owner don’t understand right approach and do mistakes which cost us loss?instead of profit. ?

As non-technical person if you don’t have clarity about automation, what is right and what is wrong you can make mistakes.?

In this post I am going to describe what is right and what is wrong in sales process automation. ?

Sales Process Automation is not Spamming - ?

Don’t use sale process automation as spamming. We normally purchase database from any one and without knowing what strategies used to gather lead information, we started sending emails and messages on those contacts. Don’t do that. ?

If just sending emails or SMS is enough to generate leads, anyone can generate numbers of leads just by sitting at home or office. So come out of this dilemma. ?

Sometimes it works against your reputation. One of my friends who is running a preschool, was looking for lead generation. He was not getting any idea how to generate leads. Someone suggested him to buy database and send messages on regular basis?to generate leads. ?

It sounds like good idea to him.?He purchased lead database for his local area from someone who claimed, it was parents database for that particular area. ?

He started sending messages and?got some bad responses. Some of them called him and asked to stop this, otherwise they are going to file police complaint against him. ?

Some of them out of frustration gave bad comments on his Facebook Business Page. ?

His intention was good but it worked against him. If you are using?wrong way it will lead to bad results. ?

Sales Process Automation is not Trick - ?

Some of businesses use sales process automation as trick. It works for shorter time but not in long run. And I hope if you are doing business you are doing for a long time. You are not a street vendor.?

One of my US base clients was taking domain every month and creating new landing page and using affiliate marketing to sale products. ??

It worked for shorter time, he made good money but the amount of time he invested if he invested in right direction, he might have successful business till date. ?

Now his business is closed and he is doing job. So don’t use automation as tricks. ?

Sales Process Automation is not Number Game - ?

Businesses treat sales automation as number game, if they will send 10000 emails, they will get this much responses and from that they can convert this much for sure. ?

It doesn’t work like that. ?

Automation should be used to filter out right prospect, identify needs and take process in right direction. ?

Now we will look what works for Sales Automation - ?

Sales Process Automation is all about Setting Up Right Flow - ?

Sale process is all about having right flow, you can’t sell products and services before enquiring their needs. It should be in a flow. Every business has their own sales process. ?

So based on your business needs you should note down all steps needed in your sales process, identify which one you can automate and which you can do manually or using advance automation. ?

When I say advance automation, I meant a process which needs human interaction and automation at same time. ?

This is how you can set right sales process flow in your organization. ?

For example, identifying prospect, educating them, book demo, guide about products and services and then make a sell. ?

You can use automated process like survey, email automation, WhatsApp automation and automated notifications, automated videos for education and demo. ?

Sales Process Automation is about Setting Standards - ?

In sales you must have some rules to whom you will sell and to whom you will not. For sample if a person in need of your products and services but don’t have purchasing power?is not your customer, if you will sell to that person, they must complain about your products and services as they?need?money more than your products and services. ?

If a person has money but don’t have need of your products and services, he is also not your ideal customer. You can’t sell to them. ?

Sometimes some of customers have needs and also have purchasing power but not able to take decisions. In that case you can educate them about your products and services using automation and make sell. ?

So, sales process automation is for setting up a standard in your business, not for forcefully sell things. ?

Sales Process Automation is about Controlled Communication - ?

How many of you think that if sales conversation goes little off bit, you will not able to make sell? If you reply back to customer, just one line out of frustration. Deal will be lost right away. ?

So, it’s quite important to have a controlled communication in sales process. And when can you have controlled communication when you ask questions. ?

If two people are talking, the one who’s asking question is controlling communication. And that’s why you should ask more and more questions using automation process to know customer needs. You can take next step based on information you gathered. ?

And this is how you can control sales process using automation. ?

Normally what we do in sales meetings, we talk a lot about our products and services and have feeling, oh my god today I cracked deal. Client was just speech less. ?

Do you know, nobody cares what products and services you sell till that you ask right questions.?

When you ask right questions, customer feels connected with you. Customer feels you able to understand their problems. ?

And if you listen and suggest best solution whether it is not your products or services?for them where relationship starts. ?


Conclusion - ?

Sales Process automation is not -?

  • Spamming ?
  • Trick?
  • Number Game?

Sales process automation is about -?

  • Designing Right Flow?
  • Setting Up Standards?
  • Controlled Communication ?


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