Sales Page Copywriting Template & Formula - Part 1

Sales Page Copywriting Template & Formula - Part 1

Dear all,

This first part of the "Sales Page Copywriting Template & Formula" series to create and write a winning sales page that converts.

Copywriting (or selling with words) is arguably the #1 thing that could stand between increasing your conversions and revenues in your online business success...

Using copywriting to build your Sales Pages

Here is a?practical template for writing a winning sales page... (or even an email campaign, FB ad, etc).

You’ll see certain types of pages, ads, and videos that all use the same techniques, structure, and psychology that I’m about to share below.

These are some of the key secrets that top copywriters use to entice, persuade, and ultimately seduce people into converting into customers.

It’s all about INSPIRING ACTION!

'Click Here!' 'Buy Now!' 'Book A Demo!' etc. etc.

Use this swipe file as an example and template to create your own sales pages to boost your conversions

First Steps

Before we go into the copywriting/sales letter formula, it’s important to remember a couple of things...

1) Know Who Your Customers Are

Before you ever type a single word... you need to know your audience. This means knowing who they are, and what they like and dislike. What are their biggest pain points are. What their wildest dreams are. What type of television and media do they consume? What are their biggest fears? Etc. etc. You’ll have a good idea already who they are but don’t assume you know any of this. You can only write persuasive copy if you know your audience on a deep level.

2) Always Test New Versions of Your Copy

Secondly, while you can learn how to write effective sales copy... it doesn’t happen overnight. So you should constantly hone and test your copy to find what’s working and what’s not. The first version of your copy might not convert as well as your other versions. You have to continuously test new tactics to get higher never stops. But, following these principles will give you a solid foundation that you can build on.

Psychological Triggers

Get to know the basic ‘psychological triggers’ that compel your prospects to buy. These triggers are those little synapses that fire in someone’s subconscious mind and tell them they NEED what you’re selling.

These ‘Psychological Triggers’ are things like:

  • Scarcity
  • Trust
  • Belonging
  • Doubt
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Hope
  • Etc

If you can effectively play to these emotional triggers, you will win more customers. Remember though... stay in line with your brand and your business. Way too many people (particularly 'gurus') take this too literally and end up destroying trust by their sales pages going overboard with fear, guilt, and far-fetched promises.

The Structure of a Sales Page

There are a number of frameworks people use to structure the sales page. This is a simple one that is easy to get your head around...

A.I.D.A. (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

And within that high-level structure, I've included 13 steps that you should include...

  1. Attention - Headlines
  2. Interest - Your Story
  3. Interest - Benefits
  4. Interest - Testimonials
  5. Interest - Qualifier
  6. Desire - Introduce
  7. Desire - What's Included
  8. Desire - What Makes it Unique
  9. Desire - Guarantee
  10. Desire - More Credibility
  11. Desire - Price Reveal
  12. Action - Sales Call to Action
  13. Action - FAQ

... I hope you've enjoyed reading this first part of the "Sales Page Copywriting Template & Formula" series. Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow to learn how to apply these 13-step sections in the most effective way!...

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Safwan Rahman, Growth Marketer


