Sales Master
Jonathan ?? Pritchard
Does your company exhibit at 2+ trade shows a year? What if there's a way to get 2-5x more business from your booth? Would that be worth a conversation?
Back when I lived in Chicago I ran a MeetUp group for Wing Chun Kung Fu.
My philosophy was that I’m not here to be an expert. I’m here to share something that I love with cool people.
If you know more than me, then I’ll learn from you. If I know more than you, then I’ll teach you everything I can.
And that approach worked really well.
It also helped me discover something I thought I’d never believe: I like teaching.
Being able to explain something so that somebody understands it quickly is gratifying in a way that getting applause doesn’t do.
Since then I’ve become a corporate soft skills trainer & I’ve transformed absolute beginners into rock star sales people.
That brings me to the review I just got from my “Close Any Sale” cohort that just wrapped up:
“I entered Jonathan’s training as a total novice who had never thought seriously about selling. Before the training even ended, I was using what I learned to sell the same product for more than two times the previous price.” ~Dylan L.
Dylan sells his own services, and now he basically doubled his annual income.
Not too shabby.
I love that!
That’s why I do what I do.
If you’re even halfway interested in what I’m teaching & how in the world it could even be possible, then shoot me a note & we’ll chat about it.
Best thoughts, ~Jonathan
?? Jonathan Pritchard is a mentalist-turned-consultant & the founder of ZAVANT enterprises, Institute of Applied Mentalism, & ROI Trade Shows. Each project helps clients have more successful businesses through the power of better communication skills. He’s also the author of several books focused on the power of applied psychology, memory, and motivation. Connect with him on Twitter and YouTube for more behind-the-scenes stories from the road & boardrooms across the world.