Sales and Marketing


In Tamil Nadu the word Marketing Holds a separate meaning in the mind of Parents, People thinks that when it comes to Marketing its all about Door to Door Step Selling/Pushing Products to People with and Without their Concern and Earing a Commission from it as their Salary or Else their will be a Target which contains a N Number of Products to be sold with in a Limited Period of Time, to Earn their Salary and to maintain their Job Entitles.

But Actually These Thinks were Not Really Comes Under the Category of Marketing, The Above Examples were Sale's Based Works, and To Know the Exact Meaning of Marketing Let me Explain it through a Short Story,

Bruce works in a Reputed Firm and He Took a Leave For a Day, Now Lets Apply the Formula of Sales and Marketing. What he did is, He Took a Leave right it is Consider as a Sale, and For What Reason he took the Leave it can be for Fever or Festivals, that reason is Called Marketing.

"The Reason Behind the Sale is Called Marketing"

So What I am Trying to Say is Sales and Marketing were like Twin Brothers They might look Similar but not the same....

What's your Opinion on this Let Discus further on Instagram.. @suriya_bruce


