Sales Manegment..Lec 7..The Easiest Sale You Will Ever Make
Alaa Etman?
Strategist / Business Development Manager/ Business planner/ Business and Marketing Consultant (MBA)
So a little secret in the sales game is to go after the second sale.
Now the second sale is basically the sale that happens with the same customer directly after the first
sale and you might be sitting there thinking you know as your first inclination you know I just sold
somebody why would I try to sell them again and ruin that first one right.
But people are much more likely to make another purchase after their first purchase.
Why is that.
Because it's psychology one to one.
The next purchase whether it's an upscale or something else entirely reiterates and justifies that that
first purchase that they made was correct.
It goes back and substantiates their ego and it reassures them that they made the right decision.
Right it's going to make them feel better by buying again and doing business with you again because
it's going to reiterate that feeling of satisfaction in the first purchase.
So two ways that you can basically do this are going back to those good quality questions that you always
want to ask grip.
Would you consider upgrading to the next plan.
Have you thought about what would happen if you run over your limit and you have an upgraded yet something
like that you need to start asking good quality questions to get the customer to sell themself.
But more importantly always follow up with a second sale and make sure you get that first sale first.
Obviously you don't want try to follow up with a second sale before the first sale is made but a perfect
example of this is one of the ways that I follow up with the second sale is by offering affiliate products
after I sell an online course so to go back to the online arbitrage pro course.
Like I said one of the main things that I sell right is this online arbitrage pro course.
And you can see here that it's five ninety five for customers.
So obviously a decent paying point a decent price point when they buy it.
What do they want to do then.
Well I sell them again on other software to help them do online arbitrage better.
And I make a commission so I make more money but more importantly it substantiates their feeling of
questioning whether or not they made the right choice by purchasing by purchasing again and purchasing
more products and services that then obviously help them do it better.
So they win because they're obviously gonna be better at online arbitrage.
I win because I make more money and I get the second sale off the customer.
And obviously they win again because then they're more secure in their first decision.
So do not sleep on the second sale guys.
It is one of the easiest sales you will ever make.