Sales Funnels For Beginners

Sales Funnels For Beginners

So, what is a sales funnel exactly?

It’s a term online marketers use to describe a series of webpages and emails.

Pretty simple, right?

What makes a funnel different from a website is that the emails and web pages are ordered in such a way that they make a path for your customer so they are more likely to TAKE THE ACTION YOU WANT - sell your product, collect emails, book a call, get someone to visit your location, etc.

So rather than building a website where you land on a page and have 7547 choices, a funnel orders the pages in steps.


  • Step One >>> Click on your ad
  • Step Two >>> Enter their name and email
  • Step Three >>>Watches a video and buys your product

Basically, sales funnels are a way to lead customers through a buying process; getting a stranger and turning them into a paying customer.

Funnels can be simple with one page or more complex depending on what your goal is, but we’re going to keep it simple for today.

Now, let’s be honest, not every person is going to buy from you right away so this is why the emails and follow up message are so important.

The truth is that most prospects won't buy from you at first, especially if they're only just found out about your business today.

By capturing someone's email address, you can build trust and a relationship with them so you can convert them into a customer long term, since on average it can take 7 touch points for someone to buy from your business.

The email list is important because this is a list of people that you can market to over and over and over again without having to buy ads or create new content.

You’re probably thinking you should spam them right?


You’re sending your list relevant content and information they actually are interested in.

This means emailing them blog posts, videos, or other content with value-driven stories, tutorials

Ultimately, the goal of having them on your list is to is take them from not knowing who you are to becoming a lifelong customer.

So how do you capture their email address?

Simple: give them something for FREE.

People love free stuff, so give them an ebook, or cheat sheet or video course that teaches them something new which will you as an expert in your niche or industry.

This is powerful because this uses a persuasion principle known as  the Law of Reciprocity – and it basically says that when someone does something nice for you, you will have a deep-rooted psychological urge to do something nice in return.

As long as what you gave them was actually of value to the person, they will then be more likely to buy something from you for $7, then $97, then maybe $2997.

But… does every business need a funnel?


Winning companies have figured out how to acquire customers at profit and scale and guess what?

The best way to do that is through a Sales Funnel.


