A sales funnel, a hand, and a feather walk into a bar...
Allison Ross
?? Forgiveness Advocate & Marketing Innovator | Changing the tools of engagement, one vibration at a time.
In my previous post about how beliefs, placebos, and permission slips create our illusions of life, I suggested an approach to marketing grounded in parallel realities instead of a linear sales funnel.
Based on personal research in which I challenged my own beliefs around life, love, and everything else, it's Bashar's analogy of the hand and Grace's analogy of the feather that turned the intangible into the comprehensible. In the post, I touched on traditional marketing versus vibrational marketing.
The tradition, linear sales funnel...
The vibrational marketing time-and-space-is-an-illusion spreading of love...
The Sales Funnel
Get in front of W amount of people to that X can engage with us, Y become prospects, and Z become paying clients. In this instance, everyone else is basically ignored because they don't bring money into our bank accounts.
The Hand (Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka)
Imagine each finger as a parallel reality. They all operate individually, yet they're still the same hand. You can break an index finger, lose a nail on the pinky, and the thumb would be none the wiser.
The Feather (Grace channeled by Jamie Butler)
The spine (rachis) of the feather represents your most vibrationally aligned self. Each time you make a decision that takes you away from your most aligned self, it branches off as a parallel life of its own.
In the end, all roads lead home. It becomes a matter of how many trips you want to take.
We can continue to cling to our beliefs that make marketing a linear process that relies on outdated principles of how energy works OR we can leverage our vibration by mindfully, actively, choosing unconditional love.
A hand as a practical-ish example...
Which would you choose?
And knowing that unconditional love assures a healed planet where everyone everywhere is thriving, would you choose unconditional love?
If you've missed the previous post, here is the link...