Sales are easier when you sell what your market actually wants

Sales are easier when you sell what your market actually wants

If you're not making as many sales as you'd like or finding it difficult to make sales then it could be because you're not selling what your market actually wants.

I see examples of this on my social feeds almost every day!

For example yesterday there was a post by yet another copywriter who was talking about how he helps his clients increase their open & click-through rates.

Not sure about you, but email open & click-through rates aren't all that important to me.

What IS important is:

  1. People on my email list replying back to find out more about my offers
  2. Sales!

It's really easy to use hypey marketing to get more people to open your emails or even click through to see more (which is what many copywriters resort to)

But in my experience, this doesn't translate to sales.

In fact, vague, hypey marketing turns your premium high-ticket buyers off.

You'll likely have a much higher unsubscribe rate along with it.

So while the copywriter will indeed stick to his promise of higher open & click-through rates, you won't see any increase in sales, which is what you REALLY would want, right?!

If this copywriter had to work with me on tweaking his own offer then we'd take a look at the results his clients did have from his work and we'd reverse engineer his offer from there.

If for example, a certain type of client DID in fact receive enquiries from ready-to-buy prospects and was then able to make sales then that is an outcome the copywriter could offer to that market.

If another type of client (different niche) didn't make sales due to enquiries from the copywriters' emails then I'd strongly recommend the copywriter stops serving those clients and ONLY focuses on the markets that DID make sales.

Make sense?

So what is it that your market truly wants and is that what you're offering them?

What do they wake up every morning thinking?

Do you have the expertise to help them achieve THAT result?

In the copywriter example, it's definitely not "how can I get more open rates on my emails?"

But more likely "how can I get more people from my email list to enquire about my services so I can make a sale today?"

This is where so many coaches & experts get hung about when it comes to the big outcome of their offer...

It feels out of integrity to make claims that you can help your clients achieve a certain thing when not all your clients have gotten that result. I totally get it!

But this is why it's so important to understand who your best-fit client is because this is the person who will get the result 95% of the time.

Besides, with the way we write our offer posts we don't ever actually PROMISE a certain result

All we do is share:

  1. Who is a great fit for our offer
  2. What they need to have in place to get results working with us
  3. How we will achieve those results - the methods & processes we use
  4. What the likely results will be if they meet all our criteria & implement

If this resonates and you realise you're not offering what your market actually wants then take some time to reflect on the results your clients have had from working with you.

If some had great outcomes and others didn't then analyse what the differences were between the different clients - take a look at where exactly you slotted in, what you worked on together, what they already had in place, etc.

Then going forward focus only on those types of clients who DID get amazing outcomes from your work.

If you'd like some help with this then reply back to me as I'm accepting a few new clients for my 1-1 program, The Client Accelerator, where we work on all of this together.

I'll also show you how to create content that pre-sells your offer which results in enquiries from ready-to-buy prospects and gets you off long sales calls. You can sign up clients in the DM's if you wish ??

Reply back with CLIENTS & I'll send you all the details

In your corner


P.S. Did you miss last week's workshop on Content That Creates Clients? If you'd love to use your content to do all the selling for you so you have messages from prospects who are excited to work with you then watch the replay here now


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