Sales is Dying
LinkedIn is a professional channel for individuals in the workforce to connect and share. But I see its unique ability to serve as something similar to a public ledger for professionals. Here I define a professional being an individual fulfilling a market demand.
As a professional salesman I have come to the realization that we need more salary + commission based work. Especially in this modern age where in-person sales is rarely ever done well for the masses. I personally enjoy sales and it pays rather well with salary. It allows the safety for a salesman to go after the next lead without hesitation knowing his efforts are not to waste.
Sales truly is an art, its potential forever unrealized. The company that chooses to capitalize upon this energy will be a prosperous organization not only in revenue, but in company culture and energy in the years to come.
In an ever changing economy with tech automating man, individuality is ever more essential. Sales is the core to the expression of this individuality. Due to this, sales cannot be automated, and will be an essential skill to attract value from shape-shifting economies.
Once we stop seeing scams from websites like Indeed posting Commission only jobs from Pyramid-Scheme like organizations, will startups survive over the long-term.