Sales Doesn't Work Like That
Beautiful Melbourne, my home

Sales Doesn't Work Like That

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OK this is a sensitive topic for a few people!

Education is a great thing, let me just put that right out there now.

But it’s fair to say that some of us probably would’ve benefited going straight into the workforce rather than diverting years into studying.

Now I completely understand that education is never a bad thing, but it is if there’s an opportunity cost that is greater than the benefit you getting from being at university, then its our duty to question right?

Now obviously doctors, surgeons, lawyers, nurses pretty much the medical profession and the legal profession, engineering professions, mathematics-based science-based professions, yeah university is probably the best place to go.

But when it comes to running a business often times the business degree doesn’t really help.

Unless you’re an accountant or an actuary then that’s a different killer fish.

Now I really enjoyed my degree, I got myself a bachelor of applied science with honors in psychology.


Because I’ve always been fascinated in people and the reasons why people think certain ways or take certain actions based on images and words. I actually like people Ha ha ha

So when I think about the five years I spent studying I want to cost me from a military perspective including any fees in time, are you slip back now and wish I had gone into sales.

Let me be 100% clear, I wasn’t ready to do so I was back then. I thought Sales was a dirty word!

I felt like it was the lowest of the low only in the sense that here I was at University studying higher level things about psychology and human behaviour.

I didn’t see the connection at that time. I didn’t see the connection between psychology in sales because I have to mistaken belief like many people have that sales is somehow a magic trick.

But sales is somehow forcing people to buy shit they don't want.

That is some dark evil magic that can be cast over unsuspecting people by sales people.

The sales people were only out for themselves and to make and boast about "salesual?conquests".

Yeah i made the word "Salesual" up just then, but I like it!

That’s what the movies tell us right?

That’s how all sales people are presented here?

As selfish individuals who only care about their own needs and their own goals and fuck the rest of the people they manage to dupe into buying something?

Well that is the dirty stereotype.

Been in this house for a lot of my career I can tell you that for every dirty sleazy salesman out there there’s 100 sales people working very hard to deliver I’m all expectations made in a sale for the Prospects/client.

How do you tell if you’ve got a sleazy sales person try to force you to buy something?


Trust your gut instincts first of all and second of all are they listening to you?

Are they actually trying to help you solve a problem?

Are they offering you genuine solutions?

Are they matching a solution to your exact circumstance?

Are they showing you how you could invest?

Showing how your life could be different with this service or product solving your problem?

Does it sound like they describing you?

Do they sound desperate? Or are they enthusiastic for you?

Do they love what are you selling? Got a passion about what they’re selling?

Do they have you support after you’ve made the sale if you have any questions?

Do they get in touch with you after you’ve bought to make sure you’re happy with what you’ve got?

Do they ask you if you know anyone that might be interested in investing like you have?

Do you feel like they care about you?

Do they explain logically how it works but check in with you to see if you can see yourself using the product or service?

Do they make you laugh with their funny-ass memes?

Leads me to my final question:

Does their degree or lack of make you concerned about the sales process and your experience?


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