Life comes up even in most trying circumstances

Life comes up even in most trying circumstances

We have to face all the circumstances in life - regardless of them subjectively feeling good or bad to us - purposefully, understanding that they all come in order to teach, prepare us towards our unique role, purpose in life. Without having an overall, clear goal, purpose ahead of us we helplessly, inevitably sink into each individual state, either in despair or in joy, blindly, instinctively stumbling from state to state, locked into a very basic, day to day survival battle. But when we identify and keep an overall goal - especially if this goal agrees with the unique “cogwheel role” Nature’s intelligent evolutionary plan defined for us - then we can rise above the individual states, taking them in our stride, grow, benefit from all as milestones, fuel stations along the way.

This is much easier to achieve in a closed, purposeful, mutually supportive and mutually complementing environment where each and every member committed to research, reveal and fulfill their own individual and everybody’s collective role, purpose in Nature’s perfect, deterministic system. All happiness results from living your life from the inside/out. All misery comes from doing so mostly from the outside/in. If you tie yourself to outside circumstances you’re always going to lose in every possible way. A matter of when - not if.

The principle & engine underlying & driving all psychology is paying attention to your emotions coming up & positively dealing with them. Introspection & self awareness are critical. The primary operating principle in life is: What you focus on expands. But what to focus on? By first using the crowning glory of the human mind, the imagination -that makes us better and/or worse (& certainly more powerful) than all other life forms, which in applied form is creativity to find beauty in all you see & encounter. Its always there in some way shape or form. Always. Using your creativity passionately means you will always find it. Sometimes more then others but still almost always. Remember the inner most fundamental meaning of life is to learn, so we must relish our life lessons. The truth is hiding in plain sight, look again to see it & here’s how:

If the meaning of life comes down to but one thing -To Learn (& it does) - What if you had a magic genie who could give you anything you wanted, instantly & always? How long before life lost all allure & vitality such that it was no longer worth living? Exactly. You would literally go never-endingly insane. Seriously & absolutely. Think about it. Obstacles are placed in our way for this reason (the meaning of life thing). You would just need to reinsert them into your life at not less than 80 to 90% of the level you had them previously to stay sane - & happy.

Take life as a Learning Experience ! ( life long learning) accept the faults, mistakes, errors, wrong decisions, regrets, insults, power politics in the right spirit, meaning take it as a learning experience, a strong and valuable feedback. Make the necessary changes based on the feedback or the experience. Don't compare your life! Your life is different and your life purpose is different, so don't compare your life with anyone. One of the major reason people feel out of place, it's not because how life is for them, rather they will suffocated and depressed when they compare their life with someone else life.

Best way to be free of depression and feeling sad is don't compare your life. Don't regret and Enjoy life! One of the key reason people find suffering for life is regret ( for the things what they have done or for the things what they didn't do ) If you have made a mistake in the past, accept your mistake, regret at the moment and resolve yourself that you won't commit such gross error or mistake. If you keep regretting for the things you have done, or for ifs and buts of life, then life would be hell. Past never comes back. So just learn from the past. Your past need not define your future.

What has gone will never come back! So don't always think about your past and fall into the dark, killing pit of sorrow!. Never refer back to what is over. Think that you've got a new life today And keep that thought firm in your mind So, eat, play and lead a joyous life; All your misfortunes will get destroyed, And will never return. ?I think that always being truthful even to oneself is the best way to live. Saving face, hiding the truth, not honest about our own failures is a terrible hurtful way to live. Love God. Love your neighbor as you would want to be loved. Apologize when you have hurt people or have been wrong.

No one is perfect. Don’t expect others to be perfect. Don’t try to be perfect yourself. Be kind rather than being “ right”. If we cannot help , at least do no harm.. be willing to say “I don’t know what to do.” Ask for help when you should. Be humble. Be loving if possible even if this hurts. Don’t treat lower people with disrespect. Nothing I have written here is new. The problems we face are common to most people even in ancient times.? Cheers!


